Food Not Bombs trial rescheduled after too many jurors objected to $500 fine for feeding homeless to – 740 points –

Too many of the potential jurors said that even if the defendant, Elisa Meadows, was guilty, they were unwilling to issue the $500 fine a city attorney was seeking, said Ren Rideauxx, Meadows' attorney.


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What the fuck did I just read?

Humans arrested and charged for feeding hungry and needy humans

That's a level of Freedom ©®™ I just cannot comprehend

That's fucking evil

Welcome to America!

Home of the fuck you i got mine

Worse: they think they got theirs but didn't. The group most likely to experience homelessness? Boomers. The group most entering the workforce? People over 75 years old.

An entire generation worked so hard to put their vision of the world out there but couldn't see that they were destroying their own future in the process.

Believe it or not, it used to be illegal in most places to be in public if you were maimed or deformed. We're talking veterans will be arrested for walking down the street. The reason? Good christian folk suffer when they see it, it has to be kept out of sight.

This is the 20th century version of that.

This still goes on with dress codes directed at women. "This women's skirt is an inch too short, all the boys will turn into sexual predators!"

Men should grow beards because other men might become sexually attracted to them if they don't.

The bear community has something to say about that.

This is a reference from a couple years back. Don’t recall where but a Muslim scholar made this argument. It’s bad to not have a beard just in case, apparently.

You're breaking the money chain! Believe it or not, prison.