Donald Trump is very confused to politics – 78 points –

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Holy shit, I didn't need to be reminded what a shit head Trump is to people but this article went ahead and reminded me that he and his voters just fucking love name calling. When I first got into politics 20 years ago a long serving MP told me to "never blame the voter" and "the voter always makes the best choice" , but you know what? I think he was wrong, I absolutely do blame people for empowering Trump and this descent of basic decency in public.

Just awful, awful people.

I feel silly because I lived my whole life respecting the GOP as, "not my party but good people regardless." I've lost all respect now and realize how naive I was. Trump's supporters want to watch America burn and the rest of the GOP seems fine with it. 0 respect.

Don't feel silly. That was the case for a long time. It's been downhill since Reagan.