Texas Governor Greg Abbott releases letter stating Federal Government has broken compact with the states, activates Texas National Guard

Kaboom@reddthat.com to politics @lemmy.world – 234 points –

Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo


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The Texas National Guard, not the federal national guard. Or at least thats my understanding.

It's the part of the USA national guard that is based in Texas. Everything about them ultimately answers to the USDOD, not the governor of Texas.

Doesn’t matter. Part of the deal is that the president can order a state national guard to be federalized. Now, if the CO and command staff refused that order… that’s a whole different can of worms, and could be construed as the start of an actual rebellion.

Rebellion? No. National Guard troops all want to go home every night. All the DOD has to do is court martial any CO who refuses for dereliction of duty. No one in the Guard is going to risk their pension.

This is nowhere close to a "Civil War".

That's also assuming the court martial doesn't end with corporal punishment. Subsequent to wanting to go home every night is wanting to go home, period, and while I'm sure a few are buying the bullshit Abbots selling, I'm willing to bet that most won't exchange bullets over it

These are he-man tough guys in the Guard. They would be willing to go to jail (to prove they're tough) before they would want to lose their pension.

Just go for the benefits and pension and they'll fold faster than Superman on laundry day.

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