California man Marcus Eriz found guilty of killing 6-year-old boy Aiden Leos in road rage incident to – 122 points –
California man Marcus Eriz found guilty of killing 6-year-old boy Aiden Leos in road rage incident

Marcus Eriz has been found guilty of murder in the Orange County, California, road rage incident that killed 6-year-old Aiden Leos in 2021.

Eriz was convicted of second-degree murder, shooting into an occupied vehicle and two felony enhancements of the personal discharge of a firearm causing great bodily injury and death.

"While we will never know what Aiden would have become, we know that the pursuit of justice did not end until his killer was captured and this child murderer was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said in a statement after the verdict.

Eriz will be sentenced on April 12. The 26-year-old faces 40 years to life in prison.


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If you live in that much fear you may want to talk to a psychiatrist about an anxiety issue

Was this woman whose child was killed also living in fear? She is living my nightmare.

I’m not trying to be mean or facetious, that is a level of anxiety and fear that needs actual medical intervention.

Please go see someone

I really appreciate your kind concern. It must be nice living your life in such a safe environment that you think the person you're talking to lives just like you and that person must have a mental problem to think otherwise.

If you are too afraid to leave your house without a bulletproof vehicle you do need to go see someone.

I am not judging them for it, I am trying to help them as someone who lived 35 years of their life with an undiagnosed anxiety disorder who just thought that everyone felt the same way

Um.... Who said I am afraid to leave my house? Why would you assume something you know nothing about?

"I'm not judging them for it..." but you are. I'm sorry you had/have that problem. Keep your diagnosis to yourself.

I'm quite happy leaving my house. I don't have anxiety. I do have a therapist and he's treating my ADHD.

Since I'm already buying a new vehicle, given the state of American gun violence, why not pick up a vehicle that is slightly more bulletproof than any other vehicle? I'm paying the same amount for another vehicle that is not bulletproof. "Bulletproof" is like the airbag. I have never gotten into an accident where the airbag deployed. But I sure glad its there when I need it. Just another safety feature.

Whatever, it’s your life I don’t care.

Thanking you for minding your own business. It's better for your mental health.

The chances are pretty low. At that point you might not fly, walk in the street, eat raw seafood etc, because what if?

No, he is right, you should legit go see someone. This is not normal. I say it as a parent and I say it with kindness.

I really appreciate your kind concern. It must be nice living your life in such a safe environment that you think the person you're talking to lives just like you and that person must have a mental problem to think otherwise.

Also don't trust Musk's garbage to save you lol. Remember the baseball incident.

I mean, I'm sure others will test it, but this video seems convincing.

Yeahhhh.... But to believe that this is a factory-produced model versus one that has been "polished" up for presentation is like looking at the fake cheeseburgers in McDonald's ads and claiming that's what the real thing looks like. That aside, QA/QC engineering standards is another matter... Which Tesla already has a shoddy record with.

But with McDonald's the commercials are showing food. Making a claim that your vehicle is bulletproof, even if it's stopping 22 caliber is still significantly better than nothing.

It's no doubt that 1.8mm steel has more stopping power than thin steel on a regular car.