This community only exists because the shower is one of the last places left where it’s still uncomfortable to use a smartphone. to – 135 points –

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I don't understand the people who say that they use their phones in the shower. I can't even change songs on my phone if it gets water on it because the touch screen gets buggy. Also, what do you even do on your phone in the shower? It's not a hands-off activity.

I hold my phone in one hand, out of the stream of water, and browse RedditLemmy, Twitter, YouTube, whatever I feel like browsing. During this time, I'm not cleaning myself, I'm just standing, enjoying the hot water, and reading whatever I'm reading.

With that said, I've stopped doing this because it's a huge waste of water and money.

I usually listen to a podcast in the shower - bought a cheap shower phone holder on Amazon. Sometimes I browse ~~~reddit~~~ Lemmy in the shower - phone is just held in front of me a bit to keep it out of the water, works fine.

I prop mine up on one of my little shelves outside the stream of water and put videos on. One of the streaming apps has an ability to block touch input, which is great to avoid splashes of water setting off the screen. I have a lot of hair that likes to rats nest when wet and I get easily bored & don't enjoy being in my own mind, so putting on a show helps.

Which app is that? I also have long hair that is annoying to wash. Videos might actually be helpful.

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