America Is Missing Out on the Best Electric Cars: Whatever kind of EV you might want, chances are China has it. to – 123 points –
America Is Missing Out on the Best Electric Cars

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Probably not a well received opinion but the amount of China promoting drivel that goes on here in lemmy is astounding.

Which is the propaganda? The posts touting Chinese achievements in tech, or the posts saying to beware of the Chinese milestones?


I mostly agree with your statement and we should be aware of both.

Agree. Tankies are on the loose, and not just on their own servers

Eh, I've seen all these same headlines on Hacker News. China is a rapidly developing country with a lot more people, manufacturing, advancements, and news than many other countries so it makes sense that there would be a lot of news coming out of it.

I just visited China for the first time during a business trip a few weeks ago and as an American I was impressed. The US media tries so hard to present only the negative that a lot of Americans aren't even aware of all the achievements they've accomplished.

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