Student loan borrowers skip payments: It's "an act of civil disobedience", 1 in 10 say they won't pay to – 479 points –
Student loan borrowers skip payments: It's "an act of civil disobedience"

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Real talk - How will not paying convince conservatives to be for student debt forgiveness? They’re the ones blocking loan forgiveness, and this is a demographic of people that does lean toward them, so why would they listen?

IMHO, showing up to vote is what would actually put the fear of god into these politicians. Not paying a loan will totally fuck up your ability to rent, get a credit card, get reasonable car insurance, and even get a job. Bad credit is no joke.

It won’t, but I hope most of these people realize the only way it’ll change is consistently going to vote and keeping their family updated on what to vote on.

you voted for the most liberal candidate you had available for presidency already.

Yeah these people are only hurting themselves. The US isn't hurting for cash and sooner or later those loans you're avoiding turn into garnishments.

And they’re not eligible for bankruptcy relief either

Correction: You can but it’s hard. It’s a little easier under this administration though

As far as I know indentured servitude is illegal in this country already, I'm pretty sure that's reason enough not to pay.

They are conscientious objectors in that sense and I'm cheering them on.

Except, if don’t pay they don’t even need to sue to get a default judgment and garnish your wages.

I checked and there is one change. It’s easier to discharge through bankruptcy (although not simple by any means) under the current administration although without congressional change it’s still an uphill battle there too.

I am applauding the act of resistence, I don't think the fact that garnishing wages is a consequence should dissuade those from trying to take a part in resisting. It doesn't make the debt culture we saddle our children with, for a chance at survival, any less immoral. Any resistence in such a culture is therefore a moral obligation.

strikes* will put the fear of god into politicians

also the benefit of not paying off those loans is they are actually left with a bit more money.

strikes* will put the fear of god into politicians,

Striking of matches, maybe.

Not paying a loan will totally fuck up your ability to rent, get a credit card, get reasonable car insurance, and even get a job.

I don't agree to credit checks from landlords.

I have reasonable car insurance.

I don't agree to credit checks from employers.

I do have a credit card and I test it once a month on a small purchase, usually coffee.

Any other dire warnings you wish to inform me about that do not match the real world?

Don’t match the real world? Just because you have been lucky to avoid that stuff doesn’t mean that a LOT of us haven’t experienced that stuff.

Credit checks are common in housing markets with limited supply, all the largest auto insurance companies in the US now do credit checks, and jobs in industries like finance and security often add a credit check during your pre-hire background check.

And god forbid you ever need some serious financial products like another loan. That is off the table.

I get the feeling that dude is in his 20s. Bless his heart.

Yeah, there aren’t a lot of Americans over 35 that don’t realize how hard a bad credit score can fuck you. There’s no shortage of very real horror stories around this stuff.

Must have somehow missed this repeatedly my entire life. Totally a real thing I am sure.

It depends on your age and where you live. You may have gotten into housing, an insurance policy, or your gig before this trend took off.

It’s now a big enough problem that a handful of states have started to draft and pass legislation that bans credit checks for insurance, housing, and employment. So, if you’re in a place like CA or MA, you might not notice that this is fair game in most of America.

That said, a lot of this fuckery is still super common and fair game in most of the US.

Housing: 6 years ago

Car insurance: I think about 3 maybe 2.

Job: 3.5 years ago

Do not live in CA or MA or a state that has rules like that. In fact 11 years ago a landlord did ask me and I said no. She backed down when I said I wasn't going to bend on the issue. Of all the places in my life this was the only one that asked.

But yeah you continue to worry