There's probably a word I've been pronouncing wrong my whole life that I don't know about to – 255 points –

Just based on how often I notice someone mispronounce a word without realizing it (or have done so myself and realized it later). Statistically I'm probably still doing it with some word.


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Mine was "daschund". I always thought that was a separate breed from a "doxen".

Even after being educated on how the word is actually pronounced, I still purposefully pronounce it literally "daschund". Fuck 'em - should've spelled it better.

Daschund is pronounced like "daak' snd" in case anyone else didn't realize this. My mind is blown.

  1. It is spelled Dachshund (Dachs-Hund, German, lit. Badger-Dog, as the breed was created to hunt foxes and badgers in their burrows)

  2. It is pronounced Dax Hunt (good example by a native german speaker: )