The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case to – 434 points –
The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case

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Don’t donate too much, Nintendo’s gonna take that shit.

Dude needs to move to a country without Nintendo jurisdiction and restart the GoFundMe. I’d give the dude $100. Fuck Nintendo over that.

He only has to pay 20% of his left over after expenses like rent.

And if the GoFundMe reaches the amount he owes, he'll be a free man.

Stop defending Nintendo here.

How is that defending Nintendo?

Defending the system, whatever.

They didn't do that either? It looks like they're just pointing out that you can actually help him without all the money going to Nintendo, which is what they look like they're responding to appears to be saying

How DARE that user prevent the spread of misinformation and add valuable context. They should be ashamed for being such a naughty little corporate shill!

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