Maryland bill would force gun owners to get $300K liability insurance to wear or carry to politics – 1021 points –
Maryland bill would force gun owners to get $300K liability insurance to wear or carry | WBFF

Maryland House Democrats introduced a controversial gun safety bill requiring gun owners to forfeit their ability to wear or carry without firearm liability insurance.

Introduced by Del. Terri Hill, D-Howard County, the legislation would prohibit the “wear or carry” of a gun anywhere in the state unless the individual has obtained a liability insurance policy of at least $300,000.

"A person may not wear or carry a firearm unless the person has obtained and it covered by liability insurance issued by an insurer authorized to do business in the State under the Insurance Article to cover claims for property damage, bodily injury, or death arising from an accident resulting from the person’s use or storage of a firearm or up to $300,000 for damages arising from the same incident, in addition to interest and costs,” the proposed Maryland legislation reads.


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They want to take the guns from poor people! When is this going to end? What about the right to bear arms that's in the CoNSTituTioN?

This is what happens when you start falling for right-wing ideas disguised as left-wing. The problem never was that constitution is allowing for people to hurt each other, the problem is that the working class is disproportionally hurt by shootings and now they will give even more power away from the poor and allow the rich kids to shoot at civil-rights protesters.

Pretty sure I haven't fell for right wing ideas in a few decades. Bear in mind I'm not from thebstates and this all thing of carryingnguns makes me think of somalia, not a civilized western country.

I've been to civil rights protests elsewhere, no firearms but acab everywhere. I'd expect carrying (and showing) a gun would be making l rich kids and the pigs a favour: they can now write off your murder as self defence even if it was filmed by a body cam.

They can still claim self defence that they were attacked by a knife or a rock, changes nothing.

Right-wing politics is everything that promotes giving power of one group over the other. Giving the rich more power to own weapons, while taking it away from working class, is a right-wing idea, by definition. It is not right-wing to claim everybody should own weapons, it is right-wing to claim, only the rich, or only the state or only the white should own the weapons, while others are not allowed,

Sorry that might be the politically correct definition that kids give it today to feel good and click on each other but every bill, law or decision shifts power from a group to another and that's not always a bad thing. And not always a right wing thing.

It is only definition that makes sense. There is a good video about it. If you shift power back to the people that are a working class, or in other words, if it promotes equality in decision-making power, than it is a left-wing policy. If it is a law that gives more power to the ruling/capitalist/rich class, it is a right-wing policy.

Look at history: there where big and powerful right- and leftextreme goverments not far apart. Both sides where not a fun place to be in. Both where authoritarian dictatorships. If you go too far left or right you end up in an authorion regime with no power for the many.

Videos from this channel, "What is politics?" exactly explain that those governments that are calling themselves left, where right wing rich politicians pretending to be left wing. And leftist at the time, called them out on it multiple times. But it just ended with them in jail. Every dictatorship is right wing by definition. Having an excuse that you will be a nice king, doesn't make a you a leftist. The excuse of those regimes was that they will only be there for a while, after which they will disolve the state completely. That autoritarianism is just temporary. Of course, that day never came and instead they focused on propaganda that redifined what being left is, which is very common in history.

The rights you enjoy are fleeting without enforcement mechanisms.

I'm not right wing. I'm a socialist.

Then fucking come up with gun control that doesn't focus on the poor.

The Left says "we should do this because it's better for everyone". The Right says "Yeah, but ONLY do it to the poor! Thank you"

You guys have your priorities fucked up.the left should say "don't give a shit about guns, we need universal healthcare". The right can't put a fucking thought together by themselves, let's stop assuming all right-wingers are rich, most trump voters are trailer park trash

Practically all gun deaths are from suicides and organized crime.

It's amazing that people believe the DNC when they say that 10 round mag limits and pistol grip bans are the answer, when they could just shift gears and give us what everyone wants. Single payer healthcare, better schools and cheaper/free college, higher pay so people don't resort to crime to make ends meet...

But those problems are harder to solve, so let's wipe our ass with the Bill of Rights instead and convince people to cheer us on while we do it.

I'm all for banning guns. Come from a country and live in another country where normal people can't buy a firearm. Still this sounds like a small step in the right direction