Beer and Wine are vegan drinks. to – 14 points –

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Well, ackshually akshually - drink German beer. With very few exceptions, it's only allowed to contain barley, hops, yeast and water. That law has existed in some form for over 500 years.

It still allows using other substances in the production process if they are filtered out afterwards.
Which vegans would still reject.

A German guy once told me that the original penalty for violating that law was that the brewer was to be drowned in his own beer - to be fair, he was quite drunk at the time, so it might be complete bullshit.

He's confusing it with the law of Hammurabi, in which a brewer that is caught diluting his beer is sentenced thusly.

German reinheitsgebot was not as severe, nor German (it was a Bavarian law, before Germany was a thing)

That only applies to beer breweries in Bavaria. Not all of Germany is subject to that law.

Not true, you are not allowed to call it beer then

Only in Bavaria. I brewed beer for many years and am very familiar with the law which hit 500 years old in 2016.