Pope Francis: I don’t bless a ‘homosexual marriage.’ I bless two people who love each other.

Stamau123@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 960 points –
Pope Francis: I don’t bless a ‘homosexual marriage.’ I bless two people who love each other.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- People who act shocked that a priest would bless a gay couple but have no problem with him blessing a crooked businessman are hypocrites, Pope Francis said.

“The most serious sins are those that are disguised with a more ‘angelic’ appearance. No one is scandalized if I give a blessing to an entrepreneur who perhaps exploits people, which is a very serious sin. Whereas they are scandalized if I give it to a homosexual -- this is hypocrisy,” he told the Italian magazine Credere.

The interview was scheduled for publication Feb. 8, but Vatican News reported on some of its content the day before when the magazine issued a press release about the interview.


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you never would have heard this come from the church, let alone the Pope 20 years ago. I don't know why people can't be happy that at least one religion is at least trying to be relevant and adapt to the times, and be more tolerant and inclusive. can't say the same about every religion unfortunatly

I don't want them to adapt, I want them abandoned and left in the Bronze Age.

Well we don't always get what we want. Life isn't fair like that I don't mean to start an argument I'm not religious either and also get upset at people hiding their own bigotry behind religion but looking down on others for having different beliefs is in of itself biggoted no?

Depends on the belief. Do they think that 2 + 2 equals 5? I'm not going to respect that. Do they argue for facts that are, from a sense of logic, mutually exclusive? Or something that we have empirical evidence against? Doesn't make much sense. Do they support an idea that, while not impossible, we only have very limited evidence for? That's a kind of personal belief I can respect, as long as they're aware of its epistemological frailty. Is it an idea that could be possible, even though we have limited evidence for, and actively harms society? Then I'm back to not respecting it, for different reasons.

Agreed, I don't think that's what the comment I replied to was talking about though.

When God says something is incorrect, that doesn't change because people have become modern and adapt to the times. An act of abomination is still an abomination. How few stand on the side of God today!

Not a Christian anymore, but I strongly remember being taught that Jesus said that through him all are saved.


Not, "everyone except Brian over there".


I don't care if the Bible says "gay=bad"; in my mind that's just another sin on a mountain of shit because if Jesus, the son of God, says everyone is saved through him, then everyone is saved through him. No exceptions.

I believe Jesus also said

Matthew 7:5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

So maybe we should focus on our own paths in life rather than someone else’s life decision that has 0 bearing on whether you or I go to heaven or hell?

I mean why people are so obsessed with what people do in their own home, on their own dime, and their own time is beyond me.

Christofacists just want to control others. They don’t care what Jesus said. They don’t want to FOLLOW Jesus, They want to BE Jesus and tell others how to live.

I'm not a Christian but okay. I believe Jesus would stand on God's side and not go against His rulings. When people state truth that others don't want to accept, they can be verbally attacked. They have the right to say their truth as well.

Ah so you're a troll got it. You're making zero logically coherent arguments in this thread.

Do you realize that for Christians God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same entity correct? Jesus is the son of God, and at the same time IS God.

"god" says lots of things. interpretations need to change with time

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