Biden Sets Internet Alight With ‘Dark Brandon’ Super Bowl Reaction to politics – 758 points –
Biden Sets Internet Alight With ‘Dark Brandon’ Super Bowl Reaction

President Joe Biden had conspiracy theorists in a tizzy after posting what appeared to be his reaction to the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl win on Sunday night.

“Just like we drew it up,” Biden posted on X alongside a photo of “Dark Brandon,” the meme created by hardcore—and very online—supporters of Donald Trump that Biden and his team loved so much they adopted it as their own.

The post was apparently referencing far-right conspiracy theories which posit the NFL and high-level government operatives conspired to rig the Super Bowl in Kansas City’s favor to give maximum exposure to a yet-to-be-announced endorsement from Chiefs star Travis Kelce and his girlfriend Taylor Swift.


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>They told me I shouldn’t be worried about what Trump will do to my queer daughter based on what he has
done in the past. That clearly shows they have no problem with what Trump has done in the past because they don’t think what he did was bad enough already.

wrong. they may have major problems with it, but they may have even bigger problems with what biden is doing now on some other front. they can care about two things at the same time.

They have said multiple times that Trump would be better than Biden. I have shown that Trump has a very clear record of oppressing queer people. Biden has done very little to negatively affect queer people just for being who they are. Trump is not better than Biden for my daughter or any queer person. Period. And anyone who thinks that my queer daughter's welfare should be sacrificed in order to get Trump elected does not care about queer people.

i can't seem to find them saying trump would be better than biden. can you link that?

Now that's rich. The person who said that their intuition was all they need and evidence was not necessary expecting me to provide evidence.

Sure. As soon as you show evidence that all people who live on aircraft carriers can afford to buy a home.

>The person who said that their intuition was all they need and evidence was not necessary expecting me to provide evidence.

that didn't happen

What a silly lie.

Following along here…. Who’s Hacktheprisons?

if it were a lie, it would be easy to disprove

I literally just disproved with with what I pasted in my last post to you.

Are you going to pretend I didn't paste those images?

the image didn't populate in mastodon, but i checked it and it doesn't say what you are claiming it said.

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>Sure. As soon as you show evidence that all people who live on aircraft carriers can afford to buy a home.

why would i do that?

Do what you like. But if you want me to do what you ask of me, that's what you'll have to do first.

you're the one making the claim here. a claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Oh, like how you made the claim that anyone who lived on an aircraft carrier could afford a home based on you having pretty good intuition.

this whole line of discussion is a red herring: you accused another user of something that would be easy to prove if true, and instead you are making erroneous attacks on my person.

You claiming that anyone stationed on an aircraft carrier can afford a home would be easy to prove if true.

But you didn't.

And you made your claim first.

Careful. They’re staring to victimize themselves. This is when they start reporting your comments.

1, i said they could afford a home, not that they could buy one

2, uh.... if you think the navy doesn't provide on-base housing that someone could afford on their salary, i don't know what to say.

3, this is a red herring. you haven't proven your claim, and are instead making erroneous attacks on an unrelated topic.

LOL! You're not even reading my comments!


You claiming that anyone stationed on an aircraft carrier can afford a home would be easy to prove if true.


1, i said they could afford a home, not that they could buy one

This would be tragic if it wasn't so funny.

anyone who gets this far in the thread will see, above, where you said that i claimed they could buy a home. you're shifting the goalposts.

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I’ll just jump in right here and say fuck Trump too.

Very clearly fuck Trump fuck Biden, fuck Israel fuck Hamas

I can acknowledge that both things are shitty.

The closest you’re coming to finding me supporting Trump all through my history would probably be when I said he might be what we deserve or need to make people wise the fuck up.

That being said, it wouldn’t surprise me if you can find were so I said that just to piss someone off I was arguing with.

I’m not proud of it, but there’s the potential for it.

However, if you check my entire post to come in history, you’ll see where I stand.

Thank you for understanding that there are more than just two sides to this

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