Musicians walk out after London orchestra leaves them unpaid for months

Lee to World – 349 points –
Musicians walk out after London orchestra leaves them unpaid for months

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Why would anyone stay passed a single unpaid check?
As soon as they realize you'll work for no pay, they'll keep working you with no pay.

If there's any job I'd stick it out a while for, it would be for the LCO. That would be a dream job and likely is for the people doing it. It's not like retail where I'd give them like 1 paycheck to get their shit together before walking.

But it's if course not excusable for them not to be paid.

Employers still owe you for work performed even if they are currently unable. They continued to work because the orchestra owes them back pay for all the previous work once they get the account back.

The London Chamber Orchestra is a union orchestra. The musicians will have discussed the situation. Continuing to work is a sensible choice, for a time.

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Well, you see, in countries with actual social safety nets, you can pretty comfortably go without a paycheck or two.

Apparently the bank froze the orchestra's account for these months

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