Florida Cop Empties His Gun, Runs For Cover After Acorn Falls On Car and Mistakes It For Shots Fired

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 1224 points –
Florida Cop Empties His Gun, Runs For Cover After Acorn Falls On Car

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That is incredibly fortunate and I am happy they are unhurt. However, that isn't really a better situation imo. That means that the cop fired multiple shots and never managed to hit their target. That puts them in danger if they ever are in a fire fight, and dangerous for everyone nearby who isn't who they are trying to shoot.

Yes. I actually just made another comment with a similar sentiment.

I have interacted with police as a guest, and some of the things I witnessed and heard from them regarding weapons were worrying. Obviously anecdotal and not a universal statement, as I have also interacted with tactical teams that were both capable and restrained, but some of the small town teams can be very Acorn-mode.

That cop if a fucking moron and should never be trusted to be in this situation ever again because they should be summarily fired.

As the arrticle mentioned, he resigned.

And got rehired elsewhere.

This usually doesn't fix things. Bad cops that get fired just get hired as a cop in the next town, city, county, etc. It's a serious revolving-door problem.

And disqualified from ever owning so much as a paintball gun if their first instinct on hearing a loud noise is spray and pray.