Microsoft wants to update your Windows 11 PC without forcing you to reboot to – 377 points –
Microsoft wants to update your Windows 11 PC without forcing you to reboot

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you should probably use a different operating system if you use it as a server

If it was only used as a server, then I would. But it isn't, so I don't.

I use a Manjaro box to game on. And video edit with davinci resolve. And so everything else that I do. Truenas for my NAS.

It's really not a good idea to have a home server you don't update, assuming it's accessible outside your network.

Windows updates suck, but they can be delayed to only take place every 6-8 weeks.

Or use Windows server. It would never do shit like that.

Alternatively you could just not postpone updates for weeks.

Just update your computers and this will never happen.