Hundreds of Protesters Crash Biden Fundraiser in San Francisco, Demanding a Cease-Fire in Gaza to politics – 343 points –
Hundreds of Protesters Crash Biden Fundraiser in SF, Demanding a Cease-Fire in Gaza | KQED

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Brooks brothers riot vibes


In what kind of way is trying to get a president to change his mind on helping to destroy Gaza and its people anything like bringing in a bunch of Young Republicans to stop counting legitimate votes in order to steal an election?

Like, even just on vibes alone.. how?

according to democrats...

if you didn't vote for Joe biden, you were a trumper

you were supposed to hold your nose and vote, then pressure him on policy.

but not now, I guess. wait until he's out of office?

By making it clear that if the Democrats support Genocide they will not get voted for.

You can blame the DNC for this. Stop blaming the victims