Alabama IVF ruling divides devout Christians: 'Fewer children will be born' to – 201 points –
Alabama IVF ruling divides devout Christians: 'Fewer children will be born'

When Alabama's Supreme Court defined frozen embryos as children, the shock and confusion was immediate. Major hospitals pulled fertility services and would-be parents scrambled for clarity on what would happen next.

The debate over reproductive rights in America has long been driven, in part, by opposition to abortion from Christian groups - but this ruling has divided that movement and ignited debate about the role of theology in US lawmaking.


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A bunch of white people in the united states are worried about birth rates because immigrant birth rates are high whereas white birth rates are on the decline. They're worried about white people becoming a minority because even though if you asked them they would say no, they know that minorities are treated poorly here.

Yep. It's called "replacement theory" and it's a core belief among racist organizations like Nazis, the Aryan nation and the KKK. It's also talked about constantly on Fox News and other right wing media.

Oh for sure, but the problem is they’re preaching is subtly and if you were’t already on alert that it’s bullshit, it can end up normalizing for some people since it’s not usually framed as “white vs black/brown” but as “ Americans vs enemies”, which sounds a lot less racially charged to mega normies who pay more attention to football and soap operas than they do to politics.

core belief among racist organizations

A bit outdated examples, try these:

CPAC, RNC, John Birch Society, Heritage Foundation

I wish everyone would just fuck everyone once and for all so we're all the same god damned race.

You know damn well they’d find something else to divide us, you just tryna get laid is all 😏

They'll find anything to divide us except haves vs. have-nots. Which is the true division.

This is also behind the trans panic and concurrent anti-LGBTQ legislation in conservative states.

Sure, they'll package it with scripture and moralizing, but in the end? It's all about fear.