Trump's Team 'Literally Popping Champagne' Over Supreme Court Taking Up Immunity Claim to politics – 422 points –
Trump's Team 'Literally Popping Champagne' Over Supreme Court Taking Up Immunity Claim

The former president is now highly unlikely to stand trial in the Justice Department's election interference case before November

The Supreme Court handed Donald Trump a massive victory on Wednesday by agreeing to rule on whether he is immune from prosecution for acts committed while he was president. The court will hear arguments on April 22 and won’t hand down a decision until June — which means it’s unlikely a trial in the Justice Department’s election interference case will commence before the election. If Trump wins the election, he’ll of course appoint an attorney general who will toss the case, regardless of how the Supreme Court rules this summer.

By Wednesday night, Trumpland was celebrating.

“Literally popping champagne right now,” a lawyer close to Donald Trump told Rolling Stone late on Wednesday.


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Yes he can. Unfortunately. We all get to watch this birth of a dictator unfold in slow motion if Trump wins.

How? Given the powers that the Special Monitor has, how could he possibly avoid paying?

RNC certainly doesn't seem like a likely option right now, and nobody else has ponied up the money.

He can pardon himself. And he will.

I thought both were state charges and only federal charges could be pardoned?

That's correct. Only the NY Governor can pardon state crimes in NY

These are state crimes. He can't pardon himself from them.

ETA: I was referring to the conversation context, which is his financial crimes, not the article, which are federal crimes.

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