Obesity has become the most common form of malnutrition in the majority of countries

boem@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 542 points –
Obesity has become the most common form of malnutrition in the majority of countries

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I imagine it would be pretty easy to take the list of what people buy/eat and their health issues and see clearly what foods are causing what health problems.

I bet the average cashier would even be able to point out the worst products.

But never, ever, will that happen. Grocery store is full of dead animals and animal proteins and cancer look to go hand in hand. The other big one is sugar. People are hooked on it like cocaine.

It's not just any regular sugar, it's that high fructose corn syrup that's the killer. Consuming a bit of sugar here and there isn't that bad, but consuming something that is foreign to the body and accumulates in the liver is a whole new level of fucked up.

It's not really foreign many fruits have an even worse fructose/glucose ratio than HFCS.

The thing about fructose is that unlike glucose the body can't burn it (pretty much) as-is, it first has to be processed by the liver, and that via turning it into fat. Evolutionarily that wasn't an issue: Fruit appears in summer, exactly the time when you want to get fat to then have some storage for the winter, what the system isn't made for is consuming the stuff all the time.

That is, HFCS in winter should be just as suspect to you as strawberries in winter.

True. And lot of these fruits come with fibers, which helps in slowing down the absorption of the sugars. That's why I barely eat grapes and any fruit that is low on fiber, nor drink any juice, period. You're right, though.

yeah, It's processed sugars like HFCS. It is not the same as sugar found in whole foods. Like cocaine is not the same as the plant it comes from.

While high fructose corn syrup isn't great for you, it's clearly not the problem. The US domestic use of HFCS peaked in the 90s, yet obesity has continued to skyrocket.

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Isn't that mainly red meats that appear to have a relation to cancer? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe poultry is fine and that seafood has even been shown to possibly prevent certain cancers.

red meat, any charred meat, chicken is reported back and forth often depending on things like who owns the media outlet or who funded the report. Fish is all over, its too broad a net to cast. Different types of fish from different parts of the world, Trillions of them are eaten every year.

With capitalism and the government entangled in the industry. I know they use propaganda to enhance their markets. My personal outlook on it is that the stance that cancer and animal consumption has solid findings. Our government (US) actively promotes the industry and subsidizes it with billions of $$$. Then on the cdc page they list red meat as a cancer causing carcinogen. In America, profits are #1. Cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are big money makers for pharmaceutical companies. JBS is a huge company. Owners are convicted criminals for bribing politicians. They raise animals in africa and california and then ship them to china. None of this has any concern about our health. For me, I have seen and read enough to make the decision to stay away from it. Anything to keep me out of the US healthcare system.

any charred meat

You'll also find plenty of acrylamide in fried potatoes but somehow people don't end up calling vegan diets cancerous.

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