European crash tester says carmakers must bring back physical controls to – 1735 points –
European crash tester says carmakers must bring back physical controls

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You know what would save many more lives than car physical controls? Mandating car mode on phones.

Good luck determining who is driving.

Noone gets to use their phone. Bring a deck of CDs or talk. Let's go back to the good days.

That's not as feasible as regulating how cars are made, because many phones can be rooted and flashed for full user control, unlike most cars.

Touch screen controls shouldn't be in cars regardless of all the above.

Hard disagree. The facts are that phone use is a far more likely cause of death than having touch screen controls. To say "it can't be regulated" is a cop out. It may not be able to be "perfectly" regulated, but the greater impact on preventing deaths (which is the goal here) is much much much greater by limiting phone use while driving than forcing cars to have physical buttons. I mean, what percentage of phone users are knowledgeable enough to root and flash a phone? 0.1%?