Uvalde parents lash out after new report clears city police of wrongdoing during 2022 school attack

Stamau123@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 700 points –
Uvalde parents lash out after new report clears city police of wrongdoing during 2022 school attack

UVALDE, Texas (AP) — An investigation Uvalde city leaders ordered into the Robb Elementary School shooting cleared local police officers of wrongdoing Thursday, despite acknowledging a series of rippling failures during the fumbled response to the 2022 classroom attack that left 19 children and two teachers dead.

Several family members of victims walked out in anger midway though a presentation that portrayed Uvalde Police Department officers of acting swiftly and appropriately, in contrast to scathing and sweeping past reports that faulted police at every level.

“You said they did it in good faith. You call that good faith? They stood there 77 minutes,” said Kimberly Mata-Rubio, whose daughter was among those killed in the attack, after the presentation ended.

Another person in the crowd screamed, “Cowards!”

Jesse Prado, an Austin-based investigator and former police detective who made the report for the Uvalde City Council on Thursday, described several failures by responding local, state and federal officers at the scene that day: communication problems, poor training for live shooter situations, lack of available equipment and delays on breaching the classroom.

“There were problems all day long with communication and lack of it. The officers had no way of knowing what was being planned, what was being said,” Prado said. “If they would have had a ballistic shield, it would have been enough to get them to the door.”


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I dunno. If only people had voted in a change of leadership after a failure of leadership or something.

Uvaldes is majority conservative according to Google, so that wouldn’t have happened. I expect nothing less of Texas

That’s what makes me saddest. Their community was wounded directly and that wasn’t enough to cause change. There’s no hope for them.

It's a maga death cult. Drink bleach, shove a UV light up you ass, take vet meds, vaccine misinformation, and on and on.

That's what you get when you turn your politics into a sports match.

Yeah, unfortunately they got the government they voted for, and decided that nothing was good enough.

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