Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus to politics – 868 points –
Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus

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What doesn't make sense to me is why Republicans are called Fascist. You say that it involves a "centralized autocratic government", but the whole belief of Republicans is LESS government involvement.

"Severe economic and social regimentation" that doesn't make sense either considering the liberal states are having a max exodusoin favor of Republican states like Texas. Fun fact, Texas is the #1 state for business in the USA with the highest growth, and despite its smaller population, it almost has the same GDP as California (and substantially less residents). If "Fascists" are so bad, why is everyone moving to their states?

"Forcible suppression of opposition" Democrats literally weaponized the FBI to take down their political oppositions lol.

Tell me you believe anything the media says without telling me.🤦‍♂️

PS: Trump sucks

My sibling in Christ, Republicans say they want less government, but are more than happy to poke their noses into all sorts of things. For instance, Republican legislatures have used government to rob people of their bodily autonomy in medical decisions.

I remember all of the GOP whinging about "government-run death panels controlling your medical decisions" when the ACA was being debated. Who could've guessed it was projection?

If they want less government involvement then explain to me why they make it their cause to forbit abortion, label abortion pills unsafe and even make teaching scientific theories forbidden?

I though they were about the government being involved less not more?

Yeah I dont agree with that either.

Do you think whether you agree with the conservative stances that you defend has any bearing on how factually incorrect you are?

Well, I dont agree 100% with either side and they both have their flaws. I agree with more of Republicans points today, but abortion is definitely a huge no. Democrats have a lot of flaws too, to me its who's pros outweigh the cons, and as it stands Republicans are winning for me at the moment. Note that ibused to be a die hard Democrat and I even donated to Pete Buttigiege's comaign as well as Bernie Sanders (even had a bumper sticker lol). Democrats have lost my vote due to them not focusing onnreal world issues and living in fairy tale land. I care more about being a realist rather than an idealist. Facts over feelings.

I can only assume the people down voting you really like restricting abortion rights. Otherwise it makes no sense.