joining the fediverse to bitch about reddit is the same as going on a date, and spending the whole night talking about your ex to – 5286 points –

I'm tired about reading about reddit here.

We left. Let's move on.


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It's been like a week since the most recent migration happened, we can't just expect this to blow over immediately when like 90% here came from reddit just 7 days ago

I do feel for those who were enjoying a peaceful place until us rabble turned up needing to go through the stages of grief.

I'm very grateful for it existing.

I mean kinda but realistically thats probably like 2% of people here and even most of those will be previous redditors.

You can't make a reddit clone and then moan that reddit users move over here thats my take on it at least lol.

I am also interested in hearing about the fallout from the exodus.

If you aren't interested, you can block the thread.

Hopefully it's an ongoing process and a bunch of people have only been here for one day