joining the fediverse to bitch about reddit is the same as going on a date, and spending the whole night talking about your ex to – 5287 points –

I'm tired about reading about reddit here.

We left. Let's move on.


So... Are we on a date? 😳

we fuckin are now

we fuckin

This reminds me of my ex.


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I don’t mean to be rude OP, but your entire contribution to lemmy has been 5 comments and this single post about Reddit. In order to gain traction as a viable alternative to Reddit we need OC and active participation in the comment section. Be the change you want to see and lead by example - start posting interesting non-Reddit related stuff yourself. The more people that do, the better lemmy will be.

I think we need to start poaching video content from reddit and posting it here. Stuff like HoldMyBeer, StartledCats, etc. There's so much content for the taking, I don't think we should get stuck on OC. In this stage we just need content. I'm seriously considering starting a cat sub or holdmybeer sub, and stealing all the content from reddit until people starting posting their own contributions.

One should stress that it should be good content though. One of our strengths at this time is the reduced number of bots and more active contributors.

There is plenty of content out there however, and I started sharing some of my favorite links with the smaller communities. Doing my part.

I agree. I should have said “make new posts” rather than OC. When I first joined I used my last days of Apollo access to copy over a few of my favourite BORU posts as the community was otherwise empty. I also started c/dontyouknowwhoiam@lemmy.word and reposted some of the old classics to get the community started. I don’t think lemmy should just be Reddit on another site, but it’s a good place to start while we build the site up.

It's becoming clear to me that getting a picture or video community off the ground that is not just memes might be difficult, and will take a pretty large userbase to sustain. But I think with something like Stealth app, as long as it continues to allow downloading from reddit, it should be easy for moderators to source video content themselves for the time being.

I've got a collection of porn from there if anyone needs it

Boost had a download function.. before those bastards killed it I had a pretty decent catalog of titties.

I'm personally going to stay away from sharing porn. Feels iffy without explicit consent.

I'm with you, honestly how do you think that content got to reddit in the first place? Sure there's some original content there but 99% of the site is just reposts people got from other sites - and porn. Bring some porn back with you if you have space

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Yeah, the bitching about people bitching about Reddit is far more annoying than just the bitching about Reddit.

Agreed, it's also just a very Reddit poster thing to do ironically.

Yeah, ironically this whole post reminds me of that place

Maybe they're a plant sent from redshit to lower participation by reducing our current favorite topic which is: fuck redshit

Opening up a new subreddit in the past few years had like a 50% chance of having 4 out of the top 10 posts people obnoxiously whining about X: "Please can we stop posting about X","Will the mods please start removing X posts?", "If something doesn't change soon, I'm going to start a new subreddit and the first rule will be 'No X'".

Meanwhile there are zero posts about X in sight.

It reminds me of the occasional times where a corporate email would be sent out improperly to "all" in our company. A few people would reply all: "take me off this list". Then someone would reply all to those guys: "don't reply all". Then other people would reply all:"you are spamming the whole company!", etc.

It would take an hour or so to die off, but It was kind of amusing to see people react to the chaos. I assume the bitching about Reddit will die off naturally.

It will. It's still very new, of course people will be talking about it for a while.

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The OP is complaining about all the Reddit bitching on his front page. There is some control over the looks of one's front page in profile settings. If set to "All", then yeah there's going to be a lot of stuff outside of interest on the front page. My front page is set to "Subscribed" so I have to intentionally look for that stuff if I want to see it.

The way to use Lemmy is to subscribe to communities with content of interest and use the the subscribed view. Maybe this is more a case of someone new to Lemmy not understanding the best way to use Lemmy.

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Hard disagree. The Reddit situation is a huge news story even for people who aren’t on Reddit.

Also you wouldn’t bring up an ex on a first date because you’re trying to impress the new person. However you would definitely talk about her to friends and family if it was an upsetting situation for you. Reddit was a big part of my life and it fucking sucks what happened To it

I think there is a thin line there, which has been crossed.

Talking about Reddit drama is fine. But when 90% of the posts here are all about Reddit (or Meta/Twitter vs Mastodon) it seems to me that people are just salty.

I came here because I gave up on Reddit, and I am looking for a reddit substitute. What I wish is to find here the content I would normally find there, so that I am not forced to move back to that wonderful website, sadly managed by shitlords (as the other 100% of profit driven websites. A lesson hard learned).

But if my feed is spammed by 90% stuff about Reddit and nothing else, that is not the way to growth or make people stick around.

Totally. But the reddit discussions will naturally die down and/or be contained in the "reddit sucks" specific subreddits (I think they are called "Communities" on most instances? Sorry - still learning). But either way it's a hot topic right now and, as you said, people are angry, hurt, and want a place to vent. I like that we have that space and can discuss together.

The Connect app allows you to hide posts based on keywords. Maybe add "reddit" to that?

A way to filter posts with the word "Reddit" would be great.

You're right, anyone trying to get to first base with the Fediverse needs to have a serious word with themselves.

You're right in that the analogy is way off. Here's the only way it would make it right, is if your new date also wanted to vent about your ex. That's probably not the case. But being a Reddit refugee is something in common for many people on Lemmy (especially right now) and so it makes perfect sense for people to talk about it.

Also, I don't give much thought to the posts I scroll past...

Yeah, it's so far from bringing up an ex on a new date. I assume most people here are 'an ex' of reddit. It's more like a group of friends in a new bar talking shit about a bar they used to go to. Which is completely unproblematic and natural. The new bar doesn't give a shit, and the friend group gets to vent.

Here is a hot take: think of it like leaving a house you have been renting for 10 years. Our relationship wasn't with the landlord as much as it was the neighbors and community.

Now, our landlord turned to a money-grubbing asshat spaz spez. You better believe we are telling everyone in our community, old and new, not to rent from him. Additionally, we are going to be venting the hurt of being evicted. We have all been forced to find a new neighborhood and learn everything new that comes with it. Our habits have been reset and it sucks.

Now this is the perfect analogy!

It's less obsessing over that site, but more:

I wanna see that bitch burn.

Agreed, it's more like joining a club and finding that it's full of your ex's other exes than going on a date

Yeah, plus this club is ever growing with ex-redditors. It'll be topical news for a while yet.

It's been like a week since the most recent migration happened, we can't just expect this to blow over immediately when like 90% here came from reddit just 7 days ago

I do feel for those who were enjoying a peaceful place until us rabble turned up needing to go through the stages of grief.

I'm very grateful for it existing.

I mean kinda but realistically thats probably like 2% of people here and even most of those will be previous redditors.

You can't make a reddit clone and then moan that reddit users move over here thats my take on it at least lol.

I am also interested in hearing about the fallout from the exodus.

If you aren't interested, you can block the thread.

Hopefully it's an ongoing process and a bunch of people have only been here for one day

Bad analogy, it would be like meeting up with all your ex-girlfriend's other former partners and all bitching about that shared ex because you have that thing in common.

Now that you mention it, I really wonder what would happen if all my exes got together to talk shit about me. What would that groupthink decide about me? Oh god nevermind, banish the thought..

I apologize and I wouldn't want that either lol. That thought is scary and that meeting would end up with them talking about how to hide my body.

The fediverse has gradually shifted from being 75% posts complaining about reddit and 25% other to being 25% posts complaining about reddit, 25% posts complaining about how people come here to complain about reddit, and 50% other. We be makin progress!

Kinda the natural order of things, Reddit had a lot shitting on Digg in the beginning too. Just takes time

Except the 50% other is now 49% complaining about Meta

ya ok but then again you did make this thread, currently #1 on my lemmy world feed, about bitching about reddit lol

I had no idea it would take off. Apparently many others agree. Literally my first post on Lemmy.

The irony seems lost on you. It's like calling up your ex to tell her you're not thinking about her.

This is the most upvoted post I've seen yet :⁠^⁠)

Instead of reddit, why not talk about something more positive on your date, like how many tickets you are going to buy for my new movie, "Barbie", only in theaters July 21st?

Hello Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie (sometimes I get mistaken for you). Is it true you were cast in Barbie because you have plastic feet?

Nice try Quentin, you already got me once with "Once upon a time in Hollywood", you are not going to get me again.

C'mon it'll be fine, just drive that pink car with your plastic feet on the dashboard

Doubt she can beat Esteemed Character Actress Margot Martindale.

  1. So I can see it 4 times by myself.

Why not buy an extra ticket for the seat next to yours every time, so you can have more seat room all to yourself?

Is this really Margot Robbie, Academy Award-nominated actress of upcoming blockbuster summer flick “Barbie”? If it is, wink twice.

Soon to be "Academy Award winning", wink wink

Great to see such a talented star already participating on Lemmy! Even without seeing the movie, I know the Oscar’s as good as yours:) Good luck with the film, and I’ll definitely go see it in theaters with my SO (twice, even).

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None. Not going to watch it because it shows a map with China's nine dash line. China has been harassing our fishermen and coast guards here in the Philippines, in our own waters. The government is also planning to ban the movie.

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But what if that crazy bitch stabbed you and it makes a pretty good story

Lets not pretend we werent completely hooked either

I agree to an extend. I could spend hours doom scrolling reddit but it was actually surprisingly easy to replace rif with wefwef.

It would be more like you both dated the same asshole and are bonding over your mutual hatred.

just let people vent, itll stop eventually once everything settled for good

Yeah. All the Reddit news is new news. So of course it's going to be trending - it's happening right now and people are talking about it.

Except the person you are on the date with also broke up with Reddit, and that is why you are on a date in the first place.

Not really. The reddit drama is a major disturbance in the internet. It's a huge topic and thus naturally generates lots of discussion. Of course everyone's talking about it.

And note that when Twitter had it's major fuckup recently, conversation on Lemmy moved over to Twitter for a while. Then it was Threads and their privacy nightmare and wanting to federate. Now Reddit is back to fucking up, so we're talking about them again. It's not our fault that these giant social media companies keep very publicly fucking up.

exactly! it happened this week, it's ok to talk about it

Says the person talking about…Reddit.

Yeah, I see so many of these post now. It's like going on a date and and spending the whole night talking about dates that only talk about their ex

I would say it's more like when a bunch of friends collectively break up with toxic partners and have a big meeting to talk about it. It'll die down after a while. People on Reddit don't really talk about Digg anymore.

Well they used to not talk about digg, but

talking about digg, so hot right now

They don't talk about Digg no mo', no mo'

They don't talk about Digg, no


Personally I enjoy hearing about the reddit drama. I don't spend nearly as much time there as I did before they broke my beloved sync so I enjoy getting to read about the ongoing shenanigans over there.

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No. Joining Lemmy and bitching about Reddit is more like you and one or two other roommates moving out of a large, historically awesome collective steadily being ruined by an increasingly dictatorial house-owner (who used to live there too) and bitching about it in your brand new but decidedly smaller one, hopefully looking towards the future between tirades and building to regain some of that lost awesomeness

Plus, bitching about common experiences is awesome. I have two past co-workers that I stay in contact with and most of what we talk about is how much we hated the job.

Disagree. We're enjoying watching our collective ex trainwreck. The chatter will die down soon, let us laugh a little and we'll move on :)

Agreed, and not only that but holy fuck we just broke up a week ago. I was in a relationship with that bitch for 12 years, I don't need my homies over here telling me it's time to forget about it lol

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I didn't join the Fediverse to bitch about Reddit, but I'm sure enjoying it.

We talk about what's important to us in the moment... It's part of how we mourn the loss we've just experienced.

Real talk: it’s because we’re trying to identify and preemptively avoid the pitfalls of Reddit.

I think there is merit to this point. Understanding where reddit went wrong, and what we can do to prevent the same here, is a useful discussion.

To expand on that theme:

I’m a software engineer myself, and have been for over a decade and a half. At this point, whenever anything, anywhere appears to be in the beginning stages of collapsing and failing, I find myself sliding into the postmortem/RCA mindset, and trying to consider and nail down particular choices, changes, processes, and/or structural attributes that may have contributed to said collapse beginning, and theoretically, continuing. Yes, I know in vivo RCA-as-the-failure-is-actively-occurring isn’t really how failure analysis processes are supposed to be done… but nonetheless, it’s led me to some interesting and insightful observations and conclusions over the years.

Or, if I try to distill that down to the essence of finding useful answers in the observation of platform collapses: it’s about continuing to drill down past what seems like a surface-level reasonable answer. There’s almost ALWAYS more going on.

Twitter, for instance, is a fascinating case-study on this, and the author of this blogpost appears to have similar thoughts.

Reddit is also a fascinating case study. A couple of hilights:

  • it’s historically been much closer to a text-based tiktok with a highly interactive userbase - I.e. it’s somewhat less of a social graph, and instead much closer to an interest graph.
  • spez et al decided to capriciously change how the graph works (how users discover and interact with content; how communities are managed and moderated).
  • Then they decided to try to force a return to normalcy under drastically changed conditions, in the interest of driving profitability/ad revenue/etc for their VCs.

Obviously there’s a LOT more nuance and many more points to explore there. I’d be very interested to learn more about the internal analysis and due diligence that Reddit leadership did before this whole shitshow really kicked off. I’d be interested to know how much and to what degree of nuance decision makers at Reddit are familiar with social and group theory, and whether (and how) that may or may not have affected this whole thing. Id be interested to know the degree of internal pushback against (what I think everyone agrees are) capricious, ill-advised structural changes, if any. I’d be interested to know more about the financial position of Reddit, Reddit’s investors, the VC subset targeting social network companies, and the VC industry in general. And the list goes on.

Again, there’s a lot to investigate here. There’s a lot of lessons to learn, and a lot of anti-patterns that can be discerned and avoided in the future. I hope that will eventually lead to a more sustainable, healthy, more community-centric and long-lived social platform - maybe it’s lemmy, maybe it’s something else that comes later; for now though, imo, it’s lemmy.

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I love reading about reddit AND twitter on the Fediverse.
It's better than reality TV could ever hope to be.
Entitled assholes who run the place, decide to start their platforms on fire and then try and blame the users.
And then they get all temper tantrum on the users and punish people like the tyrants they are.
Failing, worse than anyone ever in the history of business, (yes, YOU elon), is just a joy to behold.
Who is an amazing business man? Not you spez, elon, trump.
Ego will be your ultimate death.
Welcome to social media gentlemen, thank you for lighting yourselves on fire. Please clean up when you are done.

Reddit was full of Digg comments for a while.

Imgur was full of Reddit comments for a while (when Imgur decided to become their own social platform).

Lemmy is going to be full of Reddit comments for a while.

It's only been 8 days dude. Gotta give people time to grieve and accept it so they can move on.

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No, that's a bad analogy. A closer one with your context is having a bad breakup and then getting into another relationship and moving in with the person, where your share stuff about your prior life along with other stuff.

But a better analogy is people living in an apartment building who get together for social events in the common area for years until the management starts doing shitty stuff, increasing rent, etc. A hunk of people decide they aren't taking it anymore, so they all move into the newly built apartment down the road that doesn't have many people in it yet. The new place also has community events, and now it's mostly people from the old place that are talking about what happened in the old place.

Bad breakup, eviction, or whatever, you can't expect a group of people who had a bad experience together to just stop talking about it in a few weeks. The vast majority of Lemmy users came from Reddit. It will die down when people really have gotten over it.

I would liken it more to starting at a new job in the same industry. You have lots to praise, critique and compare about your new job to your old job, and the only people who can appreciate what you have to say are your new peers.

It's just the nature of the situation. This will likely be a trend for a while.

But it’s also topical news. There are interesting hints happening, newsworthy things. And the news is relevant to the wider world, not just one of us

Wouldn't that mean making threads about people complaining about Reddit comparable to spending the whole night complaining about how your last date only complained about their ex? Not really a great look either, lol.

...fuck, what does that make me, now?

It's griping all the way down. Break the cycle! Praise something. You're awesome and Lemmy is awesome too!

Praise something

Praise be to the flying spaghetti monster! All hail! May its noodly appendages caress unto you the suaciest of good fortune!

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It's almost like people talk about recent events. Who would have thought?!?!

It's more like it was 90% of the people here's ex that they just broke up with.

Sort of... But just like my ex, everyone has dated her and we all have something in common to bitch about.

And yet, here we are.

Here we are recreating the exact same communities with the exact same content and the exact same jokes.

Maybe if we want to stop focusing on reddit we need to stop trying so hard to be reddit.

The problem with reddit was never the content, communities, or jokes...

Usernames checks out. This. Not a lawyer, but this is gold right here. Because science. F in the chat, my dude. That escalated quickly. ELI5? Happy cake day! 5/7 with rice. Take my upvote and go. We did it, Reddit! You. I like you. Good bot. I'm not crying, you're crying. Instructions unclear, got stuck in ceiling fan. Plot twist: OP is the real MVP. I'm here all day folks. Ah, the ol' Reddit switch-a-roo. Absolutely not me_irl. Risky click of the day. Came here to say this. OP’s mom has entered the chat. /s, but honestly, can confirm, am banana. Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

This is a little disturbing and should probably be its own post.

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This is very true, but due to the recent mass exodus is like a large group of people meeting and all talking shit about the GF/BF they all shared (a.k.a. the slut of the town)

If you're joining the Fediverse to take Reddit down and migrate people over... then it makes sense to talk about it. Have to strategize to identify your enemy's weaknesses it order to take 'em down. And while you're doing it, negative things about Reddit will come out. Even if it does end up being complaining, it's part of the process and it'll make people feel better while also doubling as important brainstorming.

Well, not quite - because we all have the same ex, so we can commiserate with each other and laugh at the fact that they just walked into a tree.

But yes - I was subscribed to Redditmigration when I first arrived, but unsubbed after about a week, it did indeed get old. Still - I'm not going to try and proscribe what people want to talk about. There will be people who are still genuinely mourning the loss of a communities they loved.

no it isn't. My interest in Lemmy is not romantic and if you do agree with this, get out and engage people in person more often.

Whining about the whining. Reddit has arrived.

Tell em, Steve Dave!

Digg --> Reddit --> Lemmy.

Been bitching on the net for a very long time.

Most people, in one way or another, process by talking. It's fine. Besides, there's the train wreck aspect of it. Bad taste as it may be, but you can't stop watching and pointing out more horrible details to the people around you.

Reddit used to always go on about how I stacked the dishwasher. Then there were the API changes. I'm like, why do you need to control everything, reddit? Just chill the fuck out.

My main communities from Reddit are basically non-existent here, so I'm still on Reddit for that fix.. otherwise I've really been enjoying Lemmy.

Yep, if you have niche hobbies for Reddit, this ain’t it. It’s still pretty cool though

"We had everything. RiF, Apollo... so many others. She threw them away like trash. She even suddenly decided to hate on blind people. Who the fuck does that? I mean, really? Who does that?"

"I should have seen the signs it was time to move on when let all those Nazis move in years ago."

Yeah, its a bit much. But hey, it's something that brings a lot of the users here together. Common ground to get conversation going and gets the new Reddit refugees interacting with content on here. After a while it'll probably die down but it's very much at the forefront of new users' minds.

The bitching IS important. The more people can be convinced to join this community and the more people leave reddit, the more likely that reddit will get to be a StumbleUpon or Digg. It would be an amazing feat that would show the power of community!

It's not my fault reddit broke up with me. Reddit's a bish!

Posting here is a bit like having sex with your new partner while Margot Robbie shouts at you, but you're still thinking about your ex and loads of people are watching and up and down voting you and also you have concerns about how your new partner handles GDPR compliance

Nuh uh, I don't shout at anybody, I'm just here to promote "Barbie".

Margot Robbie! Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie! (Sometimes I get mistaken for you.) Is it true you once told Ryan Gosling that Ferrero Rocher were so light that they would actually hover over a bath plug hole, so he put one over the plug on his bath but then it fell in and jammed the plumbing for three weeks?

Just ignoring it fully when it's so fresh isn't healthy either. In that case, you're essentially just the "this is fine" dog while the house burns.

Difference being, maybe you're outside the house now and safer, but you're still just outside trying to blankly share memes with neighbors like a psychopath while the house burns, unacknowledged, behind you.

Calm down, fellow kids... We can talk about it for awhile and it will naturally fade with time, as it already is on many instances.

People need to vent. I'm also tired of it, like you, because I know I'm never going back. But it needs to be done so that people can clear their anger at just how shitty the whole situation was.

I just blocked the reddit community here so there's a lot less of it in my feed now. Maybe I'll unblock it later. My point being, take charge of your feed and make it what you want!

Okay, but whats an apt date analogy for joining fediverse to bitch about what other people are posting about?

I suppose in this case it would be going on a date to bitch to your date partner about people bitching their exes.

Walking up to a group of people commiserating about the ex they all dated and telling them you're tired of hearing about it instead of, y'know, doing literally anything else.

More than happy to hear everyone smash on zuckyboy though haha. All of social media is a mess right now.

Social media, society, the world... I wonder how they are doing in other solar systems

Counter shower thought, I'm not even close to dating Lemmy. I spent 2 years getting to know Reddit, it will take me as long, if not longer due to Lemmy not being as mature as resdit was.

Right now, lemmy is the stranger at the train station asking why I am crying. It might turn into something, or I may just lean into Facebook / Instagram / YouTube / discord more.

Oh no people are using some form of social media to complain. Well anyway.

I appreciate the sentiment, but it's probably going to be a thing for awhile :) Asking the internet not to hold a grudge is like asking a fat man to skip the buffet

and I'm saying that as a fat man

I’m just excited to see Lemmy approach critical mass. Over 410k members and counting.

People are still in the migration process. Talk about Reddit will NOT go away, because it's the elephant in the room and it hasn't gone away.
If you were around for the DIGG migration to Reddit, it's going to be similar. It will take a LONG TIME before you stop seeing Reddit related content here. It's just going to be a little less over time.

I doubt it will ever go away to the level of DIGG, unless Reddit completely implodes, which it won't. Reddit in its current state is still usable for the silent majority of users via desktop or official app, like it or not. DIGG rn is completely useless.

What we can do is support each other, create and share meaningful content here. Migrate your interests, and if it doesn't exist, create it or someone else can. Lemmy growth and interactions have exploded, even over the past week. Give it time, and enjoy the fact that we don't have to worry about Reddit screwing itself at the cost of their users.

I get that it can be annoying, but we can still discuss what was bad about it with the idea of not repeating the same mistakes here, right?

The Reddit bullshit is $current_topic. Sure, it's probably annoying if you've been here already and suddenly there's this influx of Reddit complaints, but you have to let it die out naturally. People are here because they're angry; let them be angry. Just provide good content and people will naturally stay for that alone.

If I go to Reddit in order to tell everyone how great Lemmy is, that’s like going back to my X and talking about how great my new SO is. Sounds like a pretty psycho move IMO when I think about it.

I never had a reddit account but decided to join up here for "reasons why reddit is bad". I'm here now so hoping not to see too many of these kinds of posts, including this one :)

Yup. I can’t wait till one of these Lemmy apps adds a keyword filter. Look at how defensive these replies are lol I haven’t this much “Well actually” since …well you know. I think you struck a nerve, OP!

We need more threads about not talking about that thing that we have been talking about too much.p

I think that's not the same thing at all

Your post is the only post talking about Reddit in my feed, because I blocked the other channels. 😅

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Then, may be we can start talking about Meta's Thread..😅😅

Yo dawg I heard you liked bitchin about people bitching about reddit in your bitchin about reddit...

Now THAT is a meme I haven't heard in a long time.

15 years and it's gone. I'm in need in of therapy.

Speaking of the ex, did I tell you about the time she kicked me out of /r/poli...

I don't mind reading about reddit on the reddit community, but the fact people can't shut up in non related communities annoys me to no end, the circlejerking is insane.

It's like, people go to asklemmy and ask "don't you feel this is so MUCH better than reddit, people are way nicer and have higher IQ", like dude come on.

Also another one is people bashing reddit for no reason, like a post that said that reddit doesn't respect free speech and showed a threat lf deleted comments with no context, as if that was a bad act in itself some people talk about moderation as if it was a bad thing done over in the bad reddit

don’t you feel this is so MUCH better than reddit, people are way nicer and have higher IQ

I feel like I bought a Prius 🫤

And I left reddit because it stopped letting me watch porn. Lots of similarities here.

NGL, this made me miss one Boost for Reddit feature: filter based on keyword

Yuuuup, as soon as boost for Lemmy drops I'll be filtering the word reddit immediately.

I need some time to bitch and moan about that toxic relationship OK?

Nah, really, I agree witcha...

if you want to stop reading about it use the block button liberally. I would recommend blocking mags like RedditMigration. That will relieve you of about 95% of the discussion...

Give it time the conplaining will fade. The same happened with digg

Pretty much what I would expect from a redditor on a date.

But we can't cuddle and/or watch Netflix with Lemmy.

I dont know if i should follow your advice and keep scrolling or come here and complain about reddit and idk its fun to complain about reddit

okay so if you make the mistake of going on reddit rn (i was trobleshooting a specific issue get off my back) its like a school at night all the lights are off except for some and they're blinding bright if you make the even WORSE mistake of going on r/all its like a noticable shift has happened and also where it used to be significant bots, now its VERY many botposts. its fun if you like chatting with bots!

So it’s okay for you to bitch and moan about stuff you don’t like, but others aren’t allowed to be upset about Reddit?

I think you may have been letting your frustrations guide your words. End of the day, we all (including you) are allowed to express your frustrations on anything, but you being frustrated with their frustration is only going to spiral out of control. Try something else like going to those threads explicitly and derailing the conversation towards something more positive and constructive.

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Just ignore the posts then? I don't see what the big deal is. If anything it makes this community stronger having a collective discontent for our previous beloved.

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I agree except when it's a matter of malicious compliance on reddit. Fucking up their site with NSFW content and shit posts.

I think those subs still fighting reddit can raise awareness to how shitty reddit had become and convince more people to leave.

People leaving reddit might land them on the fediverse and thus create more content for me to see on here.

It's annoying to see all these posts about reddit. But it's temporary. I'll allow it Señor Chang gif.

I know r/scams are getting it from admin for refusing to unmake NSFW.

Most of them are going to leave because they refuse to change it.

The amount of nasty comments from members of the sub towards the mods is awful. So a lot of folks on Reddit still aren't really getting it.

Hi, I'm here to complain about people complaining about other people who are complaining about Reddit.

I'm tired of reading about this. We must do something, Lemmy!

I agree, let's move on. Lemmy is the future.

Technically complaing about others talking about reddit. Is still talking about reddit with extra steps

I disagree. I'm not trying to fuck Lemmy.

Eh, it’s more like going out with the guys then complaining about your ex. And incidentally, you’ve all had a ride one that particular crazy coaster so you can sympathize.

I agree, I just joined here from reddit, and would like see communities florish reminiscent to reddit but like you said, we need to move on from an old Ex and see how it goes

But thanks to reddit most of us are here, so it will take bit of time to forget it

I hope this can just be a hangout with the lads and lasses where we can bitch about anything, including our ex!

People on Mastodon are complaining about people talking about twitter, and posting their complaints to the hashtag #twitter which is very odd, as they could filter it.

I expect there will be filters on Lemmy eventually.

If reddit was that important to whomever they should probably talk to someone about it.

I dunno… at this point it’s like hearing stories about your crazy ex and kinda enjoying at what a dumpster fire s/he has become.

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More like fleeing a totalitarian regime and talking with your fellow compatriots about how much oppression you've endured. (A bit exaggerated, but you get the point.)

Expect in the case of these two websites, I kinda WANT to hear people bitch about their ex.

I think we are in a transition phase right now, after some time this kind of "bitching about reddit / twitter whatever" trend will cool down.

Making exact copies of subreddits, then being surprised people can't shut up about Reddit. Reddit Lemmy Moment.

Getting fired from that place was the ~sob~ best thing that ever happened to me.

"To bitch about it?" Yes, I'm not a fan of the echo chamber of people's feelings toward Reddit; but it's still a situation that's going on, so I'd like updates and conversation surround that.

I'd like to complain about people who hold things up by complaining about people complaining. It's about time something was done about it!

Or it could be like bitching about an ex to your therapist. Sometimes you need to get stuff off your chest. The good news is you don't need to read it.

Thank you. Forget Reddit. I mean, like it's so hard to move on. She was so great for so long. We have so many... memories. Not all good, but it's so hard to be alone. This new girl is nice, but she's not the same.

Sure, Reddit got pissed while I was out with my friends and trashed my apartment. It was clear by then that our relationship was so messed up, but I wanted to salvage things and rushed home, only to be cornered by Reddit. Reddit was threatening me with a knife and had broken almost everything in the apartment. My friends came to help me and while one tried to subdue Reddit, she bit him and I escaped.

I moved out and deleted my account.

Sure, weeks later, I got drunk and browsed Reddit a few times after all that. When I wasn't drinking, she tracked/stalked me and sent unsolicited nudes. Nice.

I found a much better girl to hang out with. Sure she federates with everyone, but she federates with me much more. Very cool.

Why not just ignored those posts then? There are plenty of other posts to read.

Absolutely! Having this great thing in front of you, more lovable and genuine than what you had before, but you do keep on blabbering about the ex who went out for cheap cocktails and a 5-sec-back-alley-hump without lubricants with Steve.

I think that by being part of the change, we will be able to really make a big difference. RIP Apollo

I'm new, what is fedverse? Is this fed verse? Is lemmy part of something else called fedverse?

My completely unknowledgeable answer based on the week or so I've been here.

Lemmy works as a series of self hosted "instances", basically servers people run kinda like a games server or bitcoin miner.

When you join Lemmy, you picked an instance, that is the server you connect to and get all your data from, the "local" in your list.

This server then talks to and share posts with all the other servers it knows about and is connected to. That way when you query your local instance, it knows all about the other content on the other servers.

The over all cluster of various servers is the "Fediverse", various stand alone instances which share data to create the larger community.

So when the talk about defederating a site, like Threads, they mean cutting that server off from the rest of the community.

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well, some women will ask a lot of question about your exes...

that's like lemmy asking: "do you regret breaking up with reddit? what did you like about reddit?"

The posts about "What don't you want to see here from reddit?", "What communities did you like there that you want to see here?" Etc, are very helpful I think.

Talking about the over all situation there is a huge news story, and one the majority of us were personally involved on effected by.

Sure I understand wanting other content beyond "Fuck reddit, let me show you where u/spez touched me". There is a whole lot here that isn't that.

Maybe it a bias from learning how the site works, but just in the week or so I've been here I feel there is a lot more content and user engagement.

The day we start seeing relationship-drama posts and random TikTok videos provoking a 100% reaction, that's the day Lemmy becomes shit. IMO, videos should not be even allowed here.

something something "ez" self-validation for the simple-minded folk.

There is communities, and there ppl talk about what they want. While ppl do not spam off-topic about reddit everything is great.