Billionaires Rage About Biden’s New Tax Proposals to politics – 614 points –
Billionaires Rage About Biden’s New Tax Proposals

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Billionaires should not exist. Honestly, I'd expropriate them.

I don't get the desire to violently dispose of billionaires; it's a status defined by wealth, we just gotta take their money and they stop being billionaires. Problem solved, right?

Well there is the issue that to become a billionaire one must exploit and abuse tens, hundreds, thousands of people? Not to mention second order effects from their actions like bankrolling politicians that strip workers rights or safety standards for example, which impacts millions of people. Some people want to see some justice I suppose.

Some people just inherit it. Still unjust, and should be taken away, but is it worth killing over? There's bad people at every level of wealth, I don't see how slaughtering the wealthy makes any more sense than the death penalty for anyone else. We need to take away their money and help them to be better people. Recovery from the disease of greed is possible and necessary.