Schiff says he hopes Intelligence Community ‘will dumb down’ briefings for Trump to politics – 249 points –
Schiff says he hopes Intelligence Community ‘will dumb down’ briefings for Trump

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said the U.S. Intelligence Community should “dumb down” briefings for former President Trump when he receives classified information as the eventual GOP nominee, voicing concerns about whether Trump could share the information.

Schiff hit Trump on his criminal charges for mishandling classified information and other legal cases in an NBC “Meet the Press” interview Sunday.

“We’ve never had a situation where one of the candidates for president has been so criminally negligent when it comes to handling — if not worse — classified information,” Schiff said. “So I have to hope, and knowing the Intelligence Community as I do, that they will dumb down the briefing for Donald Trump.”


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In what way? I'm not aware of any controversy around Schiff.

Outside of the typical stuff I dont remember, during the russia collusion trump thing, he kept going on the news talking about how he had seen the evidence, and it was damning, and trump was guilty. When we learn later it was a completely made up story and he had seen no evidence because there wasnt any. I dont mind someone that disagrees with me, I just hate liars.

Are you talking about the Russia collusion thing where his campaign staff were found guilty of a bunch of felonies and he wasn't charged because a "president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office"? Where Mueller basically said: I'm not allowed to say he's guilty, but I can tell you he's not not guilty. That one?

Yes, but can you tell me the information Adam had seen that trump was guilty?

I doubt such information would be public, but given that Trump publically invited Russia to interfere in the campaign, I'd certainly consider it plausible he also did so in private. Seems like a heck of stretch to go from that to "liar" and "corrupt".

There was the durham report that explained exactly what happened, and there was literally nothing connecting trump to russia. So Adam claimed there was to get political gain and make trump look guilty. How can you not be angry with a proved liar politician.

there was literally nothing connecting trump to russia

LOL. He's been known to be connected with Russia since the fucking '80s, my guy.

How can YOU not be angry with a proved liar, rapist and traitor politician.

Is there any politician that you like? Lying is so rampant that i imagine it's difficult to find anyone you like. Who can you even vote for?

Of the Rs and Ds, I would say I like the libertarians that lie and claim to be Rs. The ones I remember the best are the Pauls, Thomas Massie, and Justin Amash. I think Thomas Massie is probably the best. But yeah, there are not any good ones to vote for and we are fucked. We cant even get one of the two teams to agreed that the federal resevere is the biggest thing that harms people and they are not even aware of it.

I like the libertarians that lie and claim to be Rs

That's not lying, they're just Rs under a different name.

Justin Nash

Anti-abortion? How libertarian. Against DC representation in our government? How libertarian.

Dudes a cuckservative hardcore and pretending otherwise is a joke.

Thomas Massie

The Russian stooge that's the literal only person who voted against supporting Ukraine in 2019, as well as hong kong that same year? The climate change denier?

That dude sounds like a real piece of shit, actually.

So what we get from this is that your political opinions are worth less than nothing as you clearly support regressive pricks. Work on being less shitty in future

Abortion is a split issue amoung libertarians. The Pauls are also libertarian and anti-abortion. And you have no clue about Massie, literally you dont understand one thing about him.

Abortion is a split issue amoung libertarians

Interesting, because pro-choicr is the correct libertarian position (freedom of personal choice above all is kinda their thing)

And you have no clue about Massie, literally you dont understand one thing about him.

Lol, good defense of your shitty ideals. Can't defend a piece of shit so you don't even try

Lol, good defense of your shitty ideals. Can’t defend a piece of shit so you don’t even try

Literally everything you said about Massie was false. I think you did a quick google search and then vomited whatever propaganda you read. Bye

Literally easily verifiable fact about his platform that takes 10s to confirm

Don't like that it's so easy to point out the people you like are garbage? Support less garbage people.

Pretending they're not trash is pathetic

It was enjoyable watching you collapse on your non-issues