Is "female" offensive? to – 246 points –

I am not a native English speaker and I have sometimes referred to people as male and female (as that is what I have been taught) but I have received some backlash in some cases, especially for the word "female", is there some negative thought in the word which I am unaware of?

I don't know if this is the best place to ask, if it's not appropriate I have no problem to delete it ^^


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Not a native speaker here. Would a French woman also be 'a Frenchman's and if not, how would you refer to a French woman correctly?

"Frenchwoman" perhaps? But that sounds a bit dated to me. I'd probably go with "French person" or "French people".

3 years ago, “man” in that context was considered gender neutral. More recently tho a lot of stink is being made about little language things like this. Theres no replacement word to use.

Frenchwoman and Frenchperson are both ridiculous enough to try, but maybe go with Frenchie just to see if they'll punch you.

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