Biden calls for broad new social programs, higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy to politics – 394 points –

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All you're doing is approving and reinforcing this state of affairs by sharing your defeatist attitude.

If you don't like it, either try and help do something about it, or shut the fuck up.

This state of affairs doesn't need help being reinforced. It's been carved in stone and blood for 250 years. It's supported by people who profit greatly from people thinking that elections are how you change things.

Me pointing this out pales in comparison to all of that. Unless you think one asshole on a barely used social network has that sort of power, which would be fucking awesome.

Oh, so you want it to be this way? Because you're clearly not shutting the fuck up.

I forgot this is a libs only zone, and that criticism means you’re the enemy.

I’ll be sure to temper my anarchism in the future, while I watch the system you love so dearly continue to fail everyone.

Oh hey, look. You're still not shutting the fuck up. Let's indulge this conversation more.

Criticism is useful when it's constructive. When it highlights a problem in order to find a solution. What you're doing is not constructive in any way. It's equivalent to wanting us to accept this system as it is.

No one here is implying that this system is perfect or that we love it. Biden is literally trying to make a change to the failing system here, and you're lambasting him for trying. You're being entirely hypocritical.

So you can either continue being a hypocrite, or actually shut the fuck up.

Listen, dude: If you don't have enough english comprehension to understand I was expressing dismay at our system of government and not criticism of Joe "The Guy You're All Making Me Vote For" Biden, then I don't think this will be a fruitful conversation.

But if you want some constructive criticism to pass on to your boss, how about this: Turn every campaign event into a food back and free soup kitchen. Spend every dime of campaign contributions on paying off medical debt.

I guarantee that would work better at beating Trump than anything his highly paid consultants could ever post on Tik Tok.

P.S. One more liberal berating me about how "it has to be this way" will not convince me.

If you don’t have enough english comprehension to understand I was expressing dismay at our system of government and not criticism of Joe “The Guy You’re All Making Me Vote For” Biden, then I don’t think this will be a fruitful conversation.

Shills like you intentionally straddle that line so when you're called out you can pretend that you were just nebulously criticizing the state of things instead of trying to influence an election.

I’ve been called shill by better people than you on Reddit.

Seriously, listen to yourself, then reread my first comment. You’re deranged.

I’ve been called shill by better people than you on Reddit.

Then maybe you should stop shilling if even a degenerate like me can see it.

Here's some criticism. Biden has spent his entire term sabotaging progressive and leftist efforts.

Called on congress to block the rail strike:

Walks back his own campaign promise for $50k forgiveness:

Goes around congress to sell weapons to Israel:

Forced federal workers back to office:

Increased the defense budget:

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