Boeing whistleblower found dead in US

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Boeing whistleblower found dead in US

John Barnett had worked for Boeing for 32 years, until his retirement in 2017.

In the days before his death, he had been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company.

Boeing said it was saddened to hear of Mr Barnett's passing. The Charleston County coroner confirmed his death to the BBC on Monday.

It said the 62-year-old had died from a "self-inflicted" wound on 9 March and police were investigating.


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It's no longer a conspiracy when it's proven true.

This isn't proof. That's the crazy part. I hear ya. I'm with ya. I don't see anything that is concrete physical evidence to tie it all together. As of now.

I agree, I just was making a joke. It's a conspiracy until you realize it's a fact. MK-ULTRA, Government spying on you (which time? ) , Big tobacco hiding that cigerettes cause cancer, Stacks of ET games are buried in New Mexico, even dark stories like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments were all conspiracy theories at one time. Sadly they all turned out to be true.

There's also the conspiracy theory of conspiracy theories that the government actually likes and even spreads conspiracy theories so that the real ones get lost in the noise and written off by the general public as "just another loony conspiracy theory"

I like that one because I absolutely don't like it, but it's hard not to like and think that it's worth being a likable conspiracy theory.
And that's the problem with conspiracy theories, you like to like them and then you can't be sure.

It's just like that sometimes.

Very few conspiracies are as dark and terrifying as (checks notes) Atari games buried in the desert.

A conspiracy is when a group plans to do something unlawful. So if it's proven true it's still a conspiracy. It just stops being a theory.

A "theory" is a collection of information we currently understand to be true.

The term "conspiracy theory" is a misnomer that should be correctly expressed as "conspiracy hypothesis". But that's just a theory.

I think the confusion arises from the secrecy part. A conspiracy is understood to be a secret unlawful activity, especially of subversive nature. When it's not secret anymore is it still conspiracy? or is it just organised crime? I know it feels just pedantic, but this is why the media abuses words to steer collective opinion. Nowadays you can just say something is a conspiracy and people will believe it's fake without recourse.

I was just being kind of funny. Language is weird and I'm pretty sure that the word conspiracy is headed through the change to mean "Crazy people think this thing is true"

Then we need to find another word to express when people gets together to do shady shit, which happens more often than not.

No arguments here. I'd like to be able to differentiate between people going shady shit and flat earth believers.

That's the most annoying misunderstanding. A conspiracy is still a conspiracy when you prove it happened/it's happening. Conspirators remain conspirators, which means they were working together to do something illegal in secret. Ok, so now it's not secret anymore, but they still conspired.