It was dumb to leave in the first place. You can't expect to like or agree with every other person on a platform, that's ridiculous.
Standing up for your principles isn't ridiculous, and had more artists done the same Spotify might have gotten the message. It's not too dissimilar to when Pearl Jam pulled out of all Ticketmaster venues in the 90s over the price gouging of ticket prices. Had other artists had the nerve to do so as well maybe we wouldn't have the insane concert ticket pricing of today.
How anyone could equate Joe Rogan to a news channel is beyond me. It’s a podcast for god sakes. Just. Plain. Stupid. Entertainment.
So yeah, pretty stupid action to take his music off Spotify. That whole cancel culture thing is insane and needs to end already.
That whole cancel culture thing is insane and needs to end already.
Exactly! We need to get the word out that cancel culture is harmful! We need to make sure that corporations supporting cancel culture won't be getting our business! We need to make sure that people who cancel others aren't welcome in our society! We need t--oh wait....
It led me to think about Spotify's politics and ethics and ultimately leaving it as well as a paying customer.
you can't expect to agree with everyone, but maybe some particular examples are beyond the pale.
That's not the expectation. The expectation is for a platform to choose not to host willingly ignorant content that other creators feel is damaging to their artform or the society they live in.
A democracy means people are free to be stupid, but it necessitates that people strive to be well informed. So Spotify is free to host whatever it wants, and Neil is free to demand better of them.
It was dumb to leave in the first place. You can't expect to like or agree with every other person on a platform, that's ridiculous.
Standing up for your principles isn't ridiculous, and had more artists done the same Spotify might have gotten the message. It's not too dissimilar to when Pearl Jam pulled out of all Ticketmaster venues in the 90s over the price gouging of ticket prices. Had other artists had the nerve to do so as well maybe we wouldn't have the insane concert ticket pricing of today.
How anyone could equate Joe Rogan to a news channel is beyond me. It’s a podcast for god sakes. Just. Plain. Stupid. Entertainment. So yeah, pretty stupid action to take his music off Spotify. That whole cancel culture thing is insane and needs to end already.
Exactly! We need to get the word out that cancel culture is harmful! We need to make sure that corporations supporting cancel culture won't be getting our business! We need to make sure that people who cancel others aren't welcome in our society! We need t--oh wait....
It led me to think about Spotify's politics and ethics and ultimately leaving it as well as a paying customer.
you can't expect to agree with everyone, but maybe some particular examples are beyond the pale.
That's not the expectation. The expectation is for a platform to choose not to host willingly ignorant content that other creators feel is damaging to their artform or the society they live in.
A democracy means people are free to be stupid, but it necessitates that people strive to be well informed. So Spotify is free to host whatever it wants, and Neil is free to demand better of them.