This Democratic senator says Biden’s climate efforts are falling short — and young voters are noticing to politics – 49 points –

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Well, too late to do anything about it. The candidates are now, as the article says,

“Come November they are going to be choosing between two individuals — Joe Biden and Trump, who is dramatically worse when it comes to making any progress at all on climate,” she said.

That's it. If we want anything different, we have to look for congressional candidates who will change voting such that 3rd party candidates can be taken seriously, and we have to fill ballots with better choices during primaries. After primaries, in our "first across the finish line" system, it's all over except for the big tug-of-war between the two parties.

And that takes time. So this year, you're either voting for Biden in hopes of "best we can do right now," or literally any other action (including inaction) is giving it over to a worse outcome for our climate goals.

they could vote for a candidate that cares about the environment, like the green party's jill stein.

Not in a two party system they can't.

It fucking sucks but the US election system is broken.

i fully expect to have her on my ballot. i can definitely vote for her.

Have fun throwing your vote away. Hopefully it makes you feel good because that will be all it accomplishes.

Please also vote for some congress members who have a chance instead of throwing the whole ballot in the garbage.

Oh certainly, but if you vote for her you're not participating in the election. I absolutely wish we had a ranked choice elector system (well I'd actually prefer a parliamentary system where we didn't actually vote for an executive and instead one was chosen by the majority of the house)... but we don't. If you vote for Jill Stein you aren't advocating for a green policy in America, you're refusing to make a choice between Biden and Trump and accepting responsibility for whoever gets elected.

>if you vote for her you’re not participating in the election.

sounds like voter suppression.

you’re refusing to make a choice between Biden and Trump and accepting responsibility for whoever gets elected.

I'm not responsible for the people who vote for a candidate I don't support.

Here's the thing, you're an adult now. You have to choose between A and B, it fucking sucks but you have to do it. If you instead choose to refuse to vote in a meaningful way you're surrendering your decision to fate and, effectively, removing your vote from whoever you detest less thus gifting a vote to the candidate you detest more.

Life is full of hard choices and this is one of them, please do vote for an actual candidate and make your voice heard.

Jill Stein is a Republican/Russian asset.

no, she's not. this is libelous.

That person is indeed dumb, Jill Stein is (AFAIK) a well intentioned politician who wants to pressure both major political parties to be more environmentally aware - this is a noble act and she deserves praise for bringing more awareness of the environment to the national stage... but voting for her is dumb and AOC has had a much larger impact on pushing environmental policies than Stein has.

aoc isn't on my ballot

Most elections aren't for the executive and down ballot elections, especially local elections, are extremely important. Additionally, if Jill Stein was primarying Biden it'd be extremely reasonable to vote for her there - I am really happy to uncommitted campaign happened and the results have clearly influenced Biden.

When it comes to the general election though the scenario is different.

voting for Joe Biden or Donald Trump is immoral, so I Guess I will have to be unreasonable if I am too do the right thing

I disagree. If Trump is elected we'll see a further erosion of women's health care access. In my opinion it's immoral not to vote for Joe Biden because thousands of women will die if Trump wins.

If your pride is worth those lives then you're fucking delusional.

it's not about my pride, but if you found me suggesting it was, you're fucking delusional.

it's about doing the right thing. it is wrong to vote for joe biden.

It is incorrect to think that Biden is the best person to be president - but our electoral system is what it is and Biden is a clearly better choice than Trump.

As I said earlier it's A or B and one of those choices is fucking disastrous.

as i said earlier, i expect to have more than two choices on my ballot, and neither of the two mentioned are worthy of the office.

That's a very fair view, but one of those two people will be the next president. It's up to you (and everyone else) which one of them it will be.

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