Now that we are all switching to Lemmy, now is the time for all the redditors with embarrassing usernames to make their username right! Don't screw up this time! to – 1768 points –

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So you’re saying you don’t want insightful, thoughtful comments from u/rimjob_steve this time around?

Granted I need to figure out how to browse communities….but if there isn’t a Lemmy version of /r/rimjob_steve we definitely need to make one. That never got old for me.

Edit: I went ahead and created the community! Find it here!

Of all the things about reddit, /u/sinkpisser420 giving sound financial advice was one of the best things about the platform.

Only the best information cause from a guy like that come on man!🤣

Who doesn’t want hair tips or relationship advice from u/anal-plundering?