Now that we are all switching to Lemmy, now is the time for all the redditors with embarrassing usernames to make their username right! Don't screw up this time! to – 1768 points –


Me too, buddy

Now that Reddit’s been made obsolete,

Our new usernames can be discreet

So, make your name right

The future looks bright

For Sweatyfartz and weinermeat

You're not "Poem_for_your_sprog" are you? Just made your username "right" this time?

The only thing i miss from reddit…

In case you didn't know, PoppinKream is here on the Fediverse now. That's a good sign that more well-known users could migrate here

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So you’re saying you don’t want insightful, thoughtful comments from u/rimjob_steve this time around?

Granted I need to figure out how to browse communities….but if there isn’t a Lemmy version of /r/rimjob_steve we definitely need to make one. That never got old for me.

Edit: I went ahead and created the community! Find it here!

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Of all the things about reddit, /u/sinkpisser420 giving sound financial advice was one of the best things about the platform.

Only the best information cause from a guy like that come on man!🤣

Who doesn’t want hair tips or relationship advice from u/anal-plundering?

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It's easy to get a username at the moment.

Hello I have been experiencing problems posting my ads to the local marketplace for my 1994 ford pinto please help

Have you tried Threads? You can send your ad straight to your favourite influencers!

google price for apple sauce walmart

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Yes! Don't use a password generator to make a username

Actually....doing this is great for security and privacy. Especially for more sensitive logins. Use a password manager.

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how did I do?

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.

omg don't use your real name on the internet

Yours is my favorite here. Clever and subtly suggestive.

Finely aged brandy to the jägerbombs in this thread, like @SatansMaggotyCumFart.

Haha thank you so much! "Finely aged brandy" indeed!

(Also lol gonads)

Decided this time to go with my gamertag. I made it in middle school like 17 years ago. I'll be very amused if you/anyone can guess what original flash era video inspired it.

Wheeeeeeeee! If that makes no sense, it's not that one haha

Haha, nice! figured that wouldn't be too hard given the age range here!

The 125 is a Monty Python Holy Hand Grenade reference. Was playing a lot of Worms Armageddon at the time too, and first used that screen name on Battlefield 1942. Fuck I feel old!

Haha I remember playing the Lemmings game on an Amiga, Lemmy reminds me of that!

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But, I am looking forward to changing my political views and recontextualizing my reality from a stirring post by CumFartCocktail :(

That would have been waaaay funnier if it came from an account named sexybabyboy92

I made sure not to use my real name this time. I had too much karma when I realized how dumb a move that was.

Remember back in the old web when letting people know your real name was a horrifying breach of personal privacy? Heck, having the same username for multiple places gave me the hives, if it was unique enough.

We need to go back to those days; not just for safety reasons but because there’s a freedom to the individualized anonymity of being a (apparently) distinct user in each instance.

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Reddit was actually the first place where I didn't use my real name. Prior to that, I was on a huge kick that one of the worst things about online communities was that people were anonymous and said stuff that they wouldn't say to real life people. But by the time I signed up for Reddit eight years ago, I figured that ship had sailed.

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My old Reddit username has my birth year in it. Not as cringy now that I’m older, but when I made my account I was 15 lol. Big time “Summer Reddit” energy

I had this one in my head for yeaaaaars and I'm so glad I can start from scratch here in the fediverse.

Wanted PanGalacticGargleBlaster but apparently that was to long. So now I'm probably named like a gay pornstar. Well, it is what it is

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You can screw it up. My display name here, for example, isn't my login name.

You can set your own display name, and you can have any username you want if you run your own instance or at least join a small one. Getting that one special username is not that important which is great because it's another feature that keeps egos in check.

Alice. Literally just my name

You can change it now if you want! Alice is a good name though, especially since I am a fan of Wonderland.

thank you ! oh damn right it is, i'm completely satisfied with it! Though, the origin of my name comes from something MUCH different than Alice in Wonderland...

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My last one was "AmiawakeWasTaken"... so glad I got here first this time!

This is true. I wonder if Spez is already taken...

Looks like it is on this server, but that doesn’t stop someone from using that name on the many other servers!

I don't even watch wrestling. Just the idea of an elbow drop is hilarious to me. Like the rocks people elbow.

I actually did watch a WWE thing on Hulu recently. I made it about 22 min. They took a commercial break during the match.

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I got my name

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Too late. I told my wife I wouldn't use it again because it wasn't the greatest, but don-ju-wan-me-baby?

it's part of growing up. wear your -69adidas69- user name loud and proud.

For me it was just getting in first so I didn't have to add numbers.

Tbh, my first thought was to use my old one. Then I really went for a fresh start, and actually I like this one better.

Yeah same. I took one of an actual historical person, but it's so niche, you won't find a lot about him, until I've finished writing the Wikipedia entry about him.

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Listen, RUMPLEFORESKIN is not embarrassing, OK? I just didn't want my kids asking about it. Jeeeeze.

Technically you can have any username you would ever like, just spin up your own instance!

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Yeah no way hose. Changing the name here would be admitting to myself that it was a stupid nickname back then. I mean, i know it was a stupid nickname but admitting it is a step too far.

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I didn't exist before, and I still don't. I have never existed, and I never will.

What can I say? I like my name so much I went and made it my Lemmy domain and my username.

That's definitely what someone nicknamed Ubergeek would do.

Not embarrassing but I had a pretty unimaginative username and always felt I could have done better. Lemmy gave me a chance to have a kickass username… and I squandered it by feeling too much pressure and writing whatever came to my mind first in the prompt :(

Don't worry, I just wrote the first name that came to mind while dipping my balls in the shredder

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A wizard does not change his username, he carries it with the same pride or shame that one does of any nickname earned in highschool-college.

A Balls doesn't change their username they leave the shredder right on the end just like their elementary school nickname

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Think I did ok, but does it really matter when I can just create my own instance and choose whatever username I want?

I got my username back! I missed it. Got banned from reddit and used some alt for a while.

I like this username. Keeping it.

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Anyone comes up in here with random word + random word + random number, we're going to have a fight.

My reddit name was based off of a meme from 2009... Funny at the time but boy it certainly showed it's age as time went on.

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I regret my Reddit user since it used a slur that I no longer want to associate with but now I also regret this user since I came up with a better one a few days ago

Oh well

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I’d actually argue that it’s easier to get good names simply because each instance can have its own username pool. For instance, my username could also be used on other instances by other people. Me creating this account doesn’t stop someone from creating the same name elsewhere.

It would have been excellent comedic timing of your username was something stupid like shitsmear69420 or onelongboob1978 or whatever!

(I swear to God, if I see either one of those user names lurking around here I'm going to poop a brick)

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I wouldn't enable 2fa yet either there are some bugs, and the code it generated for me didn't work and locked me out of my account for a good bit. I'm not sure why but the 2fa link didn't work for me so I copied the secret out of the url and put it in my authenticator but it never worked. Just fyi.

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see last time I thought other people were my problems ~12 years ago.

Now I just have people problems instead of like, homework problems, or computer problems, or car problems.

Wife cheats on me? People problem. My project a month an a half late because the previous project said "I dunno and gave up?" (haha you bastards could have written the exact same code im doing now three years ago) People problems.

Taxes? People problems. Family sick or injured or in surgery? People problems.

Look, I've had some form of this cringe-ass username for 20 years now, this is just part of who I am now.

My Reddit name was “ihaveredonme” which is not how British people would say it.

Its the username I wanted on reddit. Blast whoever had it there, vengeance is mine!

Are people this averse to making a new account?

Seems like privacy-oriented Lemmy wouldn't care that much but even Reddit with its karma system wasn't that big of a hurdle to new accounts

Edit: apparently Lemmy DOES actually have a karma system

Well, I'm much happier with this one than my old reddit one anyway.

I barely changed mine but I heard that you can't trust someone with boy in their name and also I grew older so it was time to change mine.

Oh my username screwed all night alright. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It's how I've chosen to see myself from this day on.

Anyone who gets the obscure reference in my name wins nothing

FORK. I made the same one I used with Reddit. Gol darn it.

I’ll make a new one, probably. I’m already a mod on this account so I’ll just dual wield.

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Edit: Thanks, @CommunityLinkFixer.