The Sunshine State is #1 in fatal crashes at intersections, with more than three times as many deadly intersections (257) as the next highest state, Arizona (82) to – 198 points –
The deadliest intersections in America, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

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Florida. The Sunshine State is Florida for those who don’t know, don’t care, or hate it when authors use nicknames for some proper nouns and actual names for other things in the same category.

It’s petty, I know, but just use the words we all know for fuck’s sake.

Edit: I’m not calling out the OP (thanks for sharing this!), these words that bother me appear in the text of the study.

Yeah I was guessing California..

Nah, we're the Golden State.

Naturally, since their best known economic powerhouses are Silicon Valley and the Silver Screen.

Named after the gold rush. (In case you weren’t just being sarcastic.)

There have been other gold rushes in other states but the California Gold Rush that started in 1849 was the biggest.

Kinda expected Texas, but that works too

They're the Lone Star state, since they're the only state with a standing legal option to split into five separate states whenever they want.

Lots of logical state nicknames out there.

Its cause they think they were the only state that was independent from the US before becoming a part of it, ya know ignoring Vermont, California, and fucking Hawaii which wasnt just independent it was a whole ass kingdom and nation state.

I thought florida was, much to the amusement and dismay of people with brains in their heads, as the "education state" now?

also doesnt arizona get more sunshine than any other state or something like that?

State nicknames are stupid. IL is "land of lincoln" but he was born in kentucky 🤦‍♂️