XXX to No Stupid – 565 points –

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Something I didn't know before now is his dad was a WW2 Navy vet who worked in a corrections department assigned to helping 'wayword youths' and eventually got arrested for con games and bank robbery, after being on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. He looks like you'd expect. Both he and his brother were found to have child pornography on their computers. His house had been broken into during the week leading up to the shooting, I wonder if his brother knew of his plans and tried to remove cp he gave him, as one of the laptops in the hotel room with him in Las Vegas was missing a hard drive.

Both he and his brother were found to have child pornography on their computers.

Can't the feds just throw some shit on your computer and pin you for it?

No. Not because it's impossible. But, mainly because it's only after it goes past court that you're actually 'pinned'. So you're going to have to be certain that will happen, otherwise the political fall out isn't worth it.

Also let me remind you that the guy shot at a crowd so he was already applying for ending his life in prison. There is no need to turn it into some wicked conspiracy where the feds needed to pin him..

In the context of a conspiracy theory, while the csam doesn't necessarily increase the jail sentence, it could be used as a tool to discredit the shooter, and more importantly, as a tool to silence the brother (where a more conventional disappearing or suiciding might raise suspicions).

"'The government made him do it' says local pedophile beaten to death in prison"

Even if they could, I don't know why you would jump to that idea when the guy fucking shot 400 people. He clearly wasn't right in the head. He also had a history of heavy gambling and drinking. I don't smell conspiracy on this one. This was just a mentally unwell guy who made a decision to murder; it is, unfortunately, a quintessentially American story that keeps repeating.