It’s just water in a can. How did Liquid Death become a billion-dollar brand? to Not The – 362 points –
It’s just water in a can. How did Liquid Death become a billion-dollar brand?

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Or because it's the only water available at most concerts.

This exactly. Unless you're willing to drink from a communal jug that you can't guarantee no one has opened or spiked it with anything. Don't get me wrong, I don't buy Liquid Death either. I just drink water before entering the venue. Also, this applies to smaller venues that only have a bar, not arenas that sell bottled water.

A communal jug?! Dafuq?! Why are your venues storing water in a communal jug?

In some smaller bars, they use large coleman type jugs with taps and a stack of paper cups. If you ask for water at the bar, they will point you to the jug.

Do you guys not have taps that water comes out of?

In some smaller bars, they use large coleman type jugs with taps and a stack of paper cups. If you ask for water at the bar, they will point you to the jug.

Wtf, my condolences on the lack of hygiene regulations in your county