Southern States Pushing Forward With Bills Ending Legal Recognition For Trans People to – 206 points –
Southern States Pushing Forward With Bills Ending Legal Recognition For Trans People

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First they came for trans folk, and I did not speak up, because I'm not trans.

Come on everyone, y'all know the words!

I'm a trans performer. During a fundraiser event, I literally went on stage and spoke about the various anti-lgbt bills being passed through the country, with references to said bills. I pleaded with people not to support the states trying to legislate away my existence.

Then I watched the same people in the audience turn around and book week-long travels to Florida. Why the fuck does everyone only go to Florida?

We used to go on a themed event with a specific group since 2011. It was our primary yearly vacation. We canceled this and next year's because we can no longer tolerate Florida and don't want to give them a dime. Fuck Florida and the rest of these shithole states.

First it was the blacks, then the women, then the blacks again, then the women (and hippies) again, then it was the gays, and now it’s the trans folks (and to a lesser extent still the gays). They sure do love themselves a marginalized population!

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