Southern States Pushing Forward With Bills Ending Legal Recognition For Trans People to – 206 points –
Southern States Pushing Forward With Bills Ending Legal Recognition For Trans People

First they came for trans folk, and I did not speak up, because I'm not trans.

Come on everyone, y'all know the words!

I'm a trans performer. During a fundraiser event, I literally went on stage and spoke about the various anti-lgbt bills being passed through the country, with references to said bills. I pleaded with people not to support the states trying to legislate away my existence.

Then I watched the same people in the audience turn around and book week-long travels to Florida. Why the fuck does everyone only go to Florida?

We used to go on a themed event with a specific group since 2011. It was our primary yearly vacation. We canceled this and next year's because we can no longer tolerate Florida and don't want to give them a dime. Fuck Florida and the rest of these shithole states.

First it was the blacks, then the women, then the blacks again, then the women (and hippies) again, then it was the gays, and now itโ€™s the trans folks (and to a lesser extent still the gays). They sure do love themselves a marginalized population!

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Important to note that ridiculous unfair (and court-overturned, yet to be fixed) gerrymandering, and the usual cheating of throwing non-white people off the voter rolls, outlawing handing out water in the southern heat where voting lines are intentionally long and hot, etc., all contribute to republiQan majorities in the state houses. Not all โ€œredโ€ districts are โ€œall redโ€. Anywhere smart or kind people are youโ€™ll find friends.

They cheat, and theyโ€™re funded by billionaires. Donโ€™t boo - Vote.

The Bill:

To provide protections for women and girls against sexual assault, harassment, and violence in correctional facilities, juvenile detention facilities, domestic violence shelters, dormitories, and restrooms, or where women have been traditionally afforded safety and protection from acts of abuse committed by biological men.

So you're saying that women do not currently have protections from assault in these facilities?

The domestic violence shelter shall take reasonable steps to provide individuals with privacy in restrooms, changing rooms, and sleeping quarters from members of the opposite sex.

What about the same sex?? This bill seems to suggest that if you are of the same sex of another person, you have the right to assault them in these facilities.

It's just difficult for me to comprehend how stupid a human, let alone an elected official, can possibly be.

See... you have to dress like a woman to assault a "real" woman in a bathroom. You can't just dress like a janitor or slip in when no one's looking.

Also, if a trans woman gets assaulted in a men's bathroom, the people pushing these laws consider that a bonus.

I just always like to ask them why they think women would be comfortable with someone who looks like this in the bathroom or locker room with them:

That's Laith Ashley. He's a model who was recently cast as Taylor Swift's love interest in a music video. He was assigned female at birth.

So come on, Republicans of the South. Tell me you'd be okay with your daughter changing into her swimsuit next to Laith Ashley.

Had a coworker say some shit about encountering some "slur ive never heard before and dont care to remember. I looked confused so he clarified, "a man who looks like a woman." The speaker is someone im on good terms with, so when i countered, "u know im friends with trans folk, right?" they immediately backed off with, "oh i know, i meant they didnt even look good though."

I was pretty satisfied with how quickly they went back on what they were saying and began implying theres nothing wrong with being different, so i let off pressure, but the way this guy said the comment on looking good stuck out. My immediate thought was, oh, youre into t-girls, are uncomfortable about it, and doubly so when they encounter a t-woman they arent into.

They dont get real world experience with trans people, so theyre almost like objects or at best npcs to them. Trans people are made up of those they wamna fuck, and those theyd rather not existed.

Note, this guy is hardly the first such type to back off on trans stuff. If youre in regular contact with them, largely affirm their own experience of going thru life, its shockingly not too hard to get many to swing the other way. In groups tho, ur fucked. Youve no chance, and if u get into a group, like we see on the national level, they get defensive, and double down. Most of these ppl dont hold these beliefs as near and dear as the bible thumping redneck whose not traveled beyond 15 miles away from their home that we tend to inagine them as. Most are simply criminally undersocialized.

We have some terrible looming problems, this is how they choose to spend their time? I can list them all, but I think we're all familiar at this point.

I'd say it's their hail mary before they loose political power, but their rich backers always have other options.

Its a hail mary for this generation of corporate bootlickers. Theyll always be back to fuck shit up, but theyve had such a surge in their twilight its hard to not be worried.

What republicans really want is a Rwandan style genocide.