'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldbanned from community to World News@lemmy.world – 657 points –
'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

Adding to the mountain of evidence that Israel is engaged in a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera on Thursday aired footage of what the news outlet reported was an Israeli drone targeting four Palestinians in Khan Younis last month.

Those killed by the unmanned aerial vehicle in the rubble of the southern Gaza city appear to be unarmed teenagers or young men. According to a translation of the coverage, they were not identified in the reporting.

Tariq Kenney-Shawa, Al-Shabaka's U.S. policy fellow, said: "This is among the worst footage I've seen. Not only were these boys clearly unarmed and present no threat whatsoever, but they were struck multiple times even after stumbling/crawling away. There is no way they could have been considered combatants. This is unreal."


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Oh? There are videos of US soldiers shooting civilians just walking around without guns and in civilian clothes?

Please send them to the Pentagon and NYT. There's some people who would be very interested in them.

There are. See "collateral murder" or the guy we literally prosecuted for this which Trump pardoned. We also kicked down a lot of doors and dropped a lot of missiles on slim intelligence knowing we were killing hundreds of thousands of innocents in aggregate. None of this info is secret. We kidnapped people in Iraq and tortured them to give up names of their confederates and kicked down doors and murdered people based on this intelligence. See the Salem witch trials for why this method of intelligence gathering isn't worth shit.

At one point we dropped missiles on people purely based correlating data about sim card usage to speculate on who was associating with terrorists in a program we now know is mathematically impossible to have been accurate.

Not only do we have hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths on our hands directly there is all the indirect harm we are responsible for by supporting bad actors.

None of this justifies anyone else's bad acts. You just ought to be more aware.

The collateral murder video is sold without context. The Army's report has pictures of the RPGs on the ground.

Trump had to pardon that guy because the military was going to put him in prison.

None of this is a culture so reckless we're just bombing random civilians walking down the road. Even the torture had to be kept secret from everyone else and resulted in court martials until it was just completely removed from the normal military.

We've certainly had our problems but at the end of the day the difference is we at least try to have accountability. We keep fighting against war criminals and forcing them to find other ways to work.

What kind of accountability do we have where even the few people punished for the direct crimes are let off

We absolutely put war criminals in prison before Trump, and we will again. One high profile shit stain doesn't invalidate over a decade of prosecuting war crimes.

And the US Army released the investigation done that day. There were RPGs on the ground there. There was also a pattern of attacks going on with that unit and kneeling around the wall isn't how any reporter I ever met overseas took a photo. Hell half the time they waved at us to make sure we knew they were there.

It sucks that the Reuters guys embedded with anti coalition forces, but it's a risk just like embedding with us was.

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