'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

Linkerbaan@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 656 points –
'Everyone in the World Needs to See This': Footage Shows IDF Drone Killing Gazans

Adding to the mountain of evidence that Israel is engaged in a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera on Thursday aired footage of what the news outlet reported was an Israeli drone targeting four Palestinians in Khan Younis last month.

Those killed by the unmanned aerial vehicle in the rubble of the southern Gaza city appear to be unarmed teenagers or young men. According to a translation of the coverage, they were not identified in the reporting.

Tariq Kenney-Shawa, Al-Shabaka's U.S. policy fellow, said: "This is among the worst footage I've seen. Not only were these boys clearly unarmed and present no threat whatsoever, but they were struck multiple times even after stumbling/crawling away. There is no way they could have been considered combatants. This is unreal."


Disgusting. Justice for Palestine.

And no justice for others who were savagely killed for going to a concert. Or going for an ice cream, or buying groceries on the market.

Regardless of your political views... The fact you can watch civilians being blown up and be like "justice" is pretty raw dude. I think you need to have a think about how you relate to the world... and other humans.

Also that's not what I said. Guy above me asked for justice. And I said justice for all innocent people. But apparently no, you Hamas apologists don't accept idea of innocent people in Israel.

The whole "but do you condemn Hamas?!" thing is long passed my dude.

That you'd even mention it is pretty funny and makes me think you're just a troll and not actually a Zionist.

I think they had their justice about 29,000 deaths ago, if lives are considered equal.

Or if killing a human could suddenly undo killing one.

It doesn't and that's the saddest thing. But with some people you simply can't reason.

Who said that? I'd be happy for the people who did Oct 7th to be brought to justice. I doubt you'd say the same for the criminals in Israel's leadership and military.

I doubt you'd say the same.

This is an untenable position. There is no good side, but Israel is committing atrocities beyond recognition.

You're a disgrace. A perfect fit in Israel, I bet you'd be buddies with fuckhisfaceyahoo or you wish you were.

Am a disgrace for wanting justice for all innocent killed. Hm, okay buddy, maybe it's time to take your meds or gets yourself checked.

If you wanted justice you would recognize the apartheid, that Israel was founded on ethnic cleansing that has escalated to genocide, advocate for a permanent ceasefire, and a solution to the conflict where both Israelis and Palestinians have equal rights.

certainly these 4 kids had nothing to do with that

Despicable and deplorable

Can't imagine war being any other way.

Hi, resident American combat vet here. This is egregious by any standard but a genocidal regime. It's a pretty clear rule, if they aren't armed or uniformed, you don't shoot them.

If it were like that, it wouldn't be as bad. But internet is full of videos proving otherwise, USA soldiers included.

Oh? There are videos of US soldiers shooting civilians just walking around without guns and in civilian clothes?

Please send them to the Pentagon and NYT. There's some people who would be very interested in them.

There are. See "collateral murder" or the guy we literally prosecuted for this which Trump pardoned. We also kicked down a lot of doors and dropped a lot of missiles on slim intelligence knowing we were killing hundreds of thousands of innocents in aggregate. None of this info is secret. We kidnapped people in Iraq and tortured them to give up names of their confederates and kicked down doors and murdered people based on this intelligence. See the Salem witch trials for why this method of intelligence gathering isn't worth shit.

At one point we dropped missiles on people purely based correlating data about sim card usage to speculate on who was associating with terrorists in a program we now know is mathematically impossible to have been accurate.

Not only do we have hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths on our hands directly there is all the indirect harm we are responsible for by supporting bad actors.

None of this justifies anyone else's bad acts. You just ought to be more aware.

The collateral murder video is sold without context. The Army's report has pictures of the RPGs on the ground.

Trump had to pardon that guy because the military was going to put him in prison.

None of this is a culture so reckless we're just bombing random civilians walking down the road. Even the torture had to be kept secret from everyone else and resulted in court martials until it was just completely removed from the normal military.

We've certainly had our problems but at the end of the day the difference is we at least try to have accountability. We keep fighting against war criminals and forcing them to find other ways to work.

What kind of accountability do we have where even the few people punished for the direct crimes are let off

We absolutely put war criminals in prison before Trump, and we will again. One high profile shit stain doesn't invalidate over a decade of prosecuting war crimes.

And the US Army released the investigation done that day. There were RPGs on the ground there. There was also a pattern of attacks going on with that unit and kneeling around the wall isn't how any reporter I ever met overseas took a photo. Hell half the time they waved at us to make sure we knew they were there.

It sucks that the Reuters guys embedded with anti coalition forces, but it's a risk just like embedding with us was.

So now you trust US army for analyzing their own footage, but not IDFs analysis of their own.

The IDF hasn't earned it.

They blew up a group of reporters standing in the open, clearly marked, with nothing else around them.

They refuse to let Gazans evacuate the combat area through their lines.

There are multiple cases of them shooting unarmed civilians. Including their own hostages.

And they refuse to either let aid agencies do their job or to provide that aid themselves, fomenting a famine.

There has been zero accountability for any of the war crimes above.

Also, the US Army didn't just release a puff piece statement. They declassified their on the ground investigation that was done as a routine matter right after the engagement. When I say pictures of the RPGs, I don't mean video stills to argue over. I mean actual pictures taken by soldiers.

They blew up a group of reporters standing in the open, clearly marked, with nothing else around them.

So did USA, multiple times. Link. You don't even have to search hard to find it.

They refuse to let Gazans evacuate the combat area through their lines.

There was a humanitarian corridor before. Not sure why there isn't one now. But claiming they won't let them pass is not really true since they did let them pass.

There are multiple cases of them shooting unarmed civilians. Including their own hostages.

Same with USA, see Collateral Murder leaks page on WikiLeaks. Direct video link

And they refuse to either let aid agencies do their job or to provide that aid themselves, fomenting a famine.

I've never seen this. From the news I read, aid is going in there but civilians are being beaten by Hamas and stolen supplies from. There were also reports of shooting at people getting the aid because IDF soldiers were afraid of stampede. So either people are getting aid and getting shot at or not.

Edit: As claimed by COGAT, there's no issues for aid to get to the people. UNRWA is not allowed though due to their ties to Hamas.

There has been zero accountability for any of the war crimes above.

Even if there is to be accountability, it won't come now but long after the war. And it's nothing new for any guilty party never to get condemned for anything. USA did it number of times, China does it all the time, etc. Hell even NATO bombed refugee convoy in Serbia killing thousands of civilians without armed escort and nothing. This is nothing strange. Rules for the big countries are not the same as for smaller countries.

Also, the US Army didn’t just release a puff piece statement. They declassified their on the ground investigation that was done as a routine matter right after the engagement.

Actually no. They did cover up things multiple times. Also many videos leaked, which is the reason why Julian Assange is a wanted man across the globe as is Edward Snowden. You think they are hiding abroad in countries who oppose USA because they expect fair legal process? No, they will be swallowed by the darkness the moment they enter any country allied with USA.

Also let us not forget that in Iraq, at peak there were 29k civilian deaths per year. PER YEAR. And war went on for 6 years. So where are calls for genocide there?

As far as I can see you guys are picking favorites and turning blind eye. While pointing fingers at others.

Every international aid NGO out there is saying Israel isn't letting in enough food. But you're going to cite a puff statement from Israel on Twitter? That dog doesn't hunt.

And I feel for that reporter but his facts don't align with reality. That's a story I've seen in a lot of people with moral injury PTSD. If you convince yourself the facts are different then you can get some relief. It does not however change the meaning of words or the actions of the group the reporters were in.

It's also a far sight from shooting unarmed civilians who are just walking.

You're a disgrace. A perfect fit in Israel, I bet you'd be buddies with fuckhisfaceyahoo or you wish you were.

So I am despicable for thinking war is disgusting. Thanks I suppose. Goes to show how all these Hamas supporters think.

People are replying to you because you are trying to downplay genocide. You also just called people getting mad at children dying as Hamas supporters. You are being obtuse.

He is getting paid for these comments for sure

It's something we will never know. I did hear Israel has a division of people meant to astroturf reddit and other sites (which is supposed to be against reddit's terms of services). Always be careful when dealing with internet strangers.

Interestingly, someone who defended Israel tried to shift some of the blame to the Romans last week (yes, I do get it was sarcasm but now all I hear in my head is: "The Romans, also are Hamas.")

The other way would be that they weren't genocidal and maybe the problem wouldn't have happened in the first place. Israel and Hamas are both despicable groups but there's a clear instigator in Israel.

So what's the solution here? When walking down the road with three buddies, skulk around in a combative stagger formation in case the IDF thinks you're combatants and hopefully 3 of you make it to cover in time?

Apparently wouldn't work since they used two hits anyway.

What, you sayin you don’t stutter step and leapfrog on the way to the bar with your buddies just in case a bomb is coming?

> skulk around in a combative stagger

Creative writing. Most people use the word "walk".

I don't think you read that comment correctly.

You're right I thought he was implying they walked like that. Had a few too many Hasbara replies today.

Bruh the 4th guy just kept walking at the same pace like he already knew IDF was gonna send the third strike just to kill him too.

State of shock, the human can't do anything else than what he was doing. It's a survive strategy of the brain. This alone shows the psychological impact of a genocide on the people in a milionian of second.

"Drone, say KILL ALL HUMANS"


Then they had brunch.

Everyone needs to see this footage that is nowhere in the article. Everyone SHOULD see this its obvious murder without justification. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEOcBkoz6HM

Ironic that it's "Anadolu English" with Turkey doing the same kind of thing, though. We live in hell, but there are islands of paradise admittedly, and when one finds them one knows it.

I want an objective, non-obsessive-downvoter, explanation as to how anyone in the world knows what really happened? I understand this question feels smarmy, but there so much emotion in this. But how do we know these guys weren't Hamas?

Please just be chill, I'm not picking a fight or anything like that.

The problem is that according to due process, you need to prove somebody is guilty of something before they are jailed. These people weren't jailed, they were basically executed from a distance. The burden of proof is on the Israeli military to prove that they WERE Hamas, not on people horrified by the footage to prove the negative. And so far (and historically) the IDF seems to not care to do so, and in lots of cases have given "proof" as justification for one action or another that later turned out to be bullshit.

Not to mention the numerous cases of the IDF killing people in "Press" vests and helmets, or people literally actively waving a white flag. In my opinion, they don't deserve the benefit of the doubt given their record.

Staying on the topic at hand, and only that, this is war. Killing an enemy on the field has no system of public review. Everything is internal. Neither IDF or Hammas has to provide proof of anything to anybody for any reason except when propagandantistic PR is at play (like you mentioned). At least not now. There will surely be tribunals after this war is "settled." The only direction proof goes is up the chain of command. I won't pretend to understand the complexity of target selection and acquisition (especially foreign nations and certainly not terrorists), but I know that that's how it works. There is no burden of proof, whatsoever.

Those are the cold facts.

Opinion, etc: I hope you don't read this as some kind of defence or exoneration of any malicious, evil, callous, or accidental killing commited of innocents. I unequivocally do not want or excuse killing civilians. Anyone who does is hideously evil. However, I think a reality check is necessary.

The "burden of proof" is a security blanket most of the world enjoys and vaguely understands. When they see some horrible violence of war, fed to them without context by compromised sources, it's easy to make assumptions and demand justice. And many of those times, you should, just ideally without the assumptions and propaganda. This isn't one of this times. I know that the IDF is commiting war crimes, but this video is just war.

What you are saying is just not true.

You can't go and kill unarmed, non combative, un-uniformed people however you'd like.

You do need to prove that the people you are killing are actually combatants. Especially when you send a missile down someone's head just walking on the street.

You're right, you can't do that.

Also you're wrong, you don't need to prove that. At least not publicly which is what you seem to be implying. Intelligence has to prove that these people, or some of them, are Hamas, likely of some significance, maybe not. Then they have to be identified, monitored, and tracked for a strike opportunity. Then, when the entire chain of command is in agreement that that's their guy and this is the best time, they attack.

In your version, the drone operator seems to have infinite ammo and gleeful fire-at-will orders. Killing anyone who is "just walking down the street." Maybe the soldiers on the ground operate that way, but not drones or jets.

"In your version, the drone operator seems to have infinite ammo and gleeful fire-at-will orders. Killing anyone who is “just walking down the street.” Maybe the soldiers on the ground operate that way, but not drones or jets."

Where are you getting this story from? I sure as hell didn't even come close to mention or talk about anything of the sort.

And regarding your statement

"Intelligence has to prove that these people, or some of them, are Hamas, likely of some significance, maybe not. Then they have to be identified, monitored, and tracked for a strike opportunity. Then, when the entire chain of command is in agreement that that’s their guy and this is the best time, they attack."

Do you have any source for that being the way they operate at every single strike. Any source that this is how it went down from what we saw? Or are you just guessing?

My money is on the later.

Why do you assume there's no proof?

Why do you assume I have that assumption?

Because of this sentence:

What you are saying is just not true.

It's absolutely true. We don't know if IDF is collecting proof or not. And IDF absolutely does not need to provide proof to the public. Only to the people who are investigating the war. (Just like the person you are replying to stated)

"Neither IDF or Hammas has to provide proof of anything to anybody for any reason except when propagandantistic PR is at play"

That is simply not true. They do have to provide proof to somebody. You said so yourself. To the ones investigating. I can assure you. They are definatly included in these "anybody"

Killing obvious civilians is a warcrime. While there are circumstances where this is ambiguous, this example isn't - Israel needs to overcome the very reasonable conclusion that these were civilians and prove that they were enemy combatants.

Understanding that 60-70% of the Palestinians Israel have killed are children, this will be a tall order.

What makes it obvious?

The video shows 4 people in civilian clothes casually wandering along chatting while unarmed.

Putting aside the thousands upon thousands literal children Israel has slaughtered in the past few months while spewing genocidal rhetoric (because Hamas?), what evidence do you have that this isn't a warcrime and that they're combatants? The video contains absolutely nothing suggesting anything of the sort, and no evidence has been presented.

When people say they want to commit a genocide, then kill tens of thousands of civilians, I tend to believe them - why are you so incredulous?

Stop being hung up on the unarmed thing. All the badguys in movies are armed to make it clear to the audience and make it "justified". Unarmed soldiers and military personnel make up a much larger chunk of casualties than you realize. Terrorists don't just toss their guns to the side and claim immunity. They are still targets.

Anyway, I've made my points clear, I've explained various things using traceable, sound logic. You seem to have to not read it or comprehended it. I'm not going to waste my time with unreasonable, volatile people.

Literally zero evidence that this killing is justified in the context of a genocide that the Israeli government and IDF won't shut up about, where the majority of their targets are women and children.

Don't go pretending you know a thing about reason or that you've made any meaningful point whatsoever.

You still really don't understand how evidence works, huh?

They aren't listening, they're reacting, like the others.

Where's the evidence justifying the killing of these people? Or do we not care about the rule of law?

I guess in the context of the genocide Israel is committing there's not much room for that kind of thing.

You kill a bunch of people, you'd better be damn sure it's justifiable - you know - by looking at the evidence. Basic rule of law stuff.

Where's the evidence? We both know there isn't any - much like there's nothing that would justify Israel's broader genocide.

How do you think evidence works?

"Know" lmao.
"Basic", but too complex for you to understand.

Feel free to reach out if you'd like to take a break from defending warcrimes by a genocidal regime and provide any evidence.

  • Not a proven warcrime
  • Provide evidence of what??

Now you're just repeating the same words over and over again with no correlation. Holy shit. Did I get baited into a "discussion" with ChatGPT 1.0? There's no other explanation

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I think that person has very strong pre-concieved notions... At this point a rock on the ground is "evidence" to them that the rock is in cahoots with Israel, because children in Gaza, because obviously.

That video is evidence of nothing, but certain death of 4 unknown people, at an unknown location, recorded at unknown point in time.

Again, disclaimer: There's an active genocide in Gaza, performed by Israel against Palestinians. Hamas is a terrorist organisation.

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They don't know, they are just making assumptions that people got killed in Gaza. Even location is just bombed houses, of which there are plenty in the region and doesn't necessarily mean it's Gaza. And you get down-voted for simply doubting because that's what people here do, hate on Israel and grasping at straws. Meanwhile, no one asked why were they being filmed. How did the person filming know that bombs will fall on those 4 guys in 5 or so minutes. Why did that one guy keep walking in the same direction and not try to save his life by running somewhere and hiding. I personally find all those things suspicious. But that sort of thinking doesn't fit into idea that Israel is having fun killing people. So you, and now me, will get down voted.

I would also like to know why this camera drone is there, and why it's following these guys, and how the operator has the best luck getting perfect footage.

Edit: This seems to be leaked footage from an Israeli intelligence/targeting drone. If that's true, then that would prove that at least one of these were military targets.

Based on the video and logical deduction, this scenario seems to be the most probable.

If someone has another hypothesis on this subject, I would be very interested to read it. Assuming you don't just downvote and attack me.

It was also pointed out, and I somehow missed it, the fact there was secondary explosion which no one tried to explain. If they weren't armed and this attack was done via drone, why would there be smaller secondary explosion?

Nobody knows. It's just that people are now so riled up that they would amplify anything and everything that aligns with their view.

And titles like "Everybody needs to see this" are just annoying.

But seeing that two different accounts posted that on different instamces, with the same name... Who knows.

Best to take it all with a grain of salt and not become "we did it reddit 2.0"

Seeing as israel regularly bombs civilians without evidence they are military, and they also use an AI system to pick targets, and the fact that these guys are clearly not armed, makes it very unlikely they were Hamas and very likely they were civilians.

The IDF is welcome to provide evidence of the contrary. Their track record of mass slaughtering civilians, especially children, sure isn't helping them.

This reasoning is based on emotional assumptions and simplistic, naive logic.

The IDF doesn't have to explain anything, and neither does Hamas. This is war, not a riot.

The source you gave is from a biased organization.

Ah yes the biased Washington Post.

Trying to spread IDF propaganda while pretending to be neutral lol.

Global Village Space? Thats where your link goes.

Which quotes a Wapo article. And gvs has a good mbfc rating.

But anyone against israel is biased right?

Dude, I really don't give a damn about Israel. Seems like a nice place to visit. I know they're killing civilians and I've said that. So why are you pushing me like I'm some shill? Because this video? There's no evidence of any kind except observation. Anything else is conjecture, but there's useless emotional conjecture and detached, deductive, logical type conjecture. I use belong in the latter.

I don't know your source but I looked them up and they seem fine, with a possible bias as the founder is Pakistani, but who knows. A quote from another org inside of an article is not how to win people over. If you like a quote, go to the quote directly.

You've turned me off the conversation, with your baseless and cliche accusation, however. Insufferable.

it was hamas IED not an IDF drone

the second projectile could also have been hamas as well

Even landmine would make more sense. You can usually see projectile falling from the sky in wide shots like these and there are none.

That's speculation based on a tweet from Israeli propaganda. You can see the missiles in the video.

The video footage was from a month and a half ago, which means Al Jazeera should've been able to find out the identity of the men that were killed. They could definitely have gotten a comment from the IDF in that time frame.

Why didn't they do that? Then we'd have confirmation that they're civilian, or at the very least some explanation from the IDF. Whether someone is willing to believe what the IDF says is up to the viewer, but it should be included with the story. But they didn't do that, and considered it unfit to air on their English language channels where it would face more scrutiny. Their Arabic channels are very different than their English language sites, and more willing to air straight up propaganda. The internet is also willing to share propaganda with no effort to verify they were civilians just an emphatic "there's no way they can't be cilivilians!!!" Most news organizations understand that Hamas routinely caches weapons and wear civilian clothing when thy move to other locations, but this isn't given any consideration in this write-up.

Are they civilians? We simply can't know because of the shoddy journalism at work here. But the point just seems to be to maintain outrage, and a lot of people aren't looking for the normal information that should be there in a properly researched news story.

The burden of proof is on those doing the killing

I don't know how things work where you're from, but where I'm from, the burden of proof is on those making accusations.

Lmao this isn't small claims court. Those people were straight up murderer from long distance with missiles that American tax dollars very likely paid for.

So when there's a murder case, the prosecution doesn't have to prove someone committed murder, it's the accused has to prove they're innocent?

Yeah, it doesn't when the accused admits it and says "but they were all Hamas". Since that moment the murder is proven, and "them all being Hamas" is what the accused is expected to find some court-worthy proof for.

Didn't see any such comment in the article. You're assuming an answer that wasn't given and wasn't even asked for. You're building a fantasy story to prove guilt in your mind.

Meanwhile in the real world, there was at least $200K worth of munitions used in that video. You have to be really naive to think the decision to use such munitions didn't go through the chain of command. So multiple people decided to use some very expensive munitions to kill some random civilians? Why? Because Israel is just that evil?

Stop inventing narratives in your mind and try to think more critically. The IDF isn't going to have a drone following some random civilians, and then use three expensive smart bombs to take them out for no good reason. There are a lot of civilians in the area, there's no need to use allocate that much hardware if the goal is to kill completely innocent civilians.

Your narrative depends on Israel not only being evil but also incredibly stupid in their use of resources. Given the lack of information given, lack of even basic levels of journalism, it's far more likely to be propaganda.

Ffs I have been reading your apologist bullshit on Lemmy for far too long. Touch grass.

Burden of proof is on those making claims. If you claim this is Israel killing Palestinians, you need to prove it's Israel. Otherwise it's some poor guys who lost their lives from an explosive. I didn't even see the bomb falling.

No, completely rational. This was probably Palestinian youths blowing themselves up to make Israel look bad. What was I thinking?

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I agree with your points. I'm gonna reply to you but be talking to anyone reading too. Thanks for your comment and critique.

Flat out though, the IDF is killing civilians. This is known.

But based off the comments and videos, I don't think anything is known at all, but it seems unlikely these were civilians. Bizarrely, nearly everyone in this thread, and everyone who is going to downvote me, seems to want them to be civilians.

I would assume people would prefer them to be Hamas, who are terrorists and at the very least complicit in the massacre and kidnapping of Israeli civilians.

Outrage eliminates critical thinking and then anything that reinforces that outrage must be true.

I trust Al Jazeera, and I mourned their closure of Al Jazeera America as I was a supporter. But I could never trust anything they wrote about Israel and Gaza. It was barely veiled propaganda. This video is incindiary sensationalism because we are given zero context, but lots of guessing. By releasing this grizzly footage without context, that shows intent to exploit emotions and let us fill in the gaps. People really suck at this.

I'm really glad a bunch people, especially people like you, replied. It was fairly easy to separate the wheat from the chaff (that doesn't mean only people who confirmed my suspicions btw) They/you spoke in terms of fact, objectivity, not in guesses, assumptions, and emotion.

To anyone who reads this ramble: If any journalist, holy-person, video, podcast, head-of-state, or meme is demanding your outrage, do not trust them because that is what propaganda looks like. This is a foundational aspect of media literacy and resisting the influence of power.

Flat out though, the IDF is killing civilians. This is known.

Every military in pretty much every war kills civilians. There is a distinction made between collateral damage and a military that deliberately targets civilians.

On October 7 Hamas deliberately targeting and killed civilians. This is known.

What we've seen from "alternative media" is a deliberate attempt to create a false equivalency between what Hamas did (genocide) and what Israel id doing (war). The video we're commenting under now is one of many such reports.

Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence, But the non-stop barrage of disinformation that people are gleefully going along with eventually does lead to questions about the motivations behind this.

I mean Al Jazeera reports the casualties like a scorecard in a sport. The Hamas casualties are included in the same number of the total Palestinian casualty number. The Israeli casualty numbers are civilian casualties only. They don't include IDF casualties in their numbers as they do with Hamas casualties.

It's a war so there's no way to know the exact numbers especially when the war is ongoing. Hamas has admitted 6000 of their fighters have died, and as with all wars we can assume the real number is much higher. And that's 6000 fighting men they admitted to. There's no number given for the military support personnel (which are valid targets in a war) that the IDF killed.

And I've noted that as the numbers for casualties have flattened nobody reports it anymore. Does fit the genocide narrative I suppose. If it were a genocide then you'd expect civilian casualties to increase as the "brave Hamas fighters" that are "protecting the civilians" are eliminated. But instead the civilian casualties are decreasing. Numbers simply don't fit with the genocide narrative so they don't get reported.

I just look at what both sides are saying and the truth is somewhere in between. The actions of Israel makes sense to me. Terrorists when into villages and murdered everyone they could find. That's an act of war. Given the the casualties the inevitably come with a ground campaign, I wouldn't want to do that. Unless of course the terrorists took hostages and I had no other choice. And since that's what happened, here we are.

For the actions of Hamas they only explanation I have is that they're psychopaths. If your goal is to negotiate, you don't murder a thousand people. They wanted this war, and they took hostages to force Israel into a ground camping to maximize the Palestinian death toll to gain international sympathy.

What's disturbing to me is how easily people are going along with the plan that was made by these psychopaths. They created a war which would inevitably lead to deaths and had their cameras ready to broadcast the propaganda. And a lot of people swallowed and got into a competition to prove how dedicated to the cause they are. To the point where they are being overtly being antisemitic now. What's the goal? Keep Hamas alive so they can continue this cycle of violence forever.

Israel isn't going anywhere, and hatred of Israel is only going to cause the deaths of even more people. Everyone needs to calm down with the constant outrage and think about the best way to end the violence. Spreading lies to keep everyone outraged and hating isn't going to accomplish this.

It's not helping Palestine in any way. There territory is shrinking as the continue to choose violence. I'm under no illusions that Israel is the good guy, it's a country full of both good guys and bad guys like every other country. But when you choose violence the only thing that matters is which side has the stronger military. And that is clearly Israel. For the Palestinians the best course of action is to somehow let go of their hatred and negotiate for whatever they can get. What they can get at a negotiating table now is much less than what they would've gotten decades ago, but it's more that they'll get a few decades from now.

The dream of a Palestinian state is almost dead now and Biden is desperately trying to resuscitate it. Which is something that only people that get the news from reliable sources understand. The "alternative media" take is just that he's "Genocide Joe."

It's gotten crazy how far the non-stop outrage has caused people to stray from reality. Most of the efforts of activists have been at best ineffective because they're too disconnected from reality to have a message that makes sense to anyone that still lives in reality. At worst the activists are prolonging the war and are increasing the number of deaths in the conflict.

Ok now I've been rambling.

To anyone who reads this ramble: If any journalist, holy-person, video, podcast, head-of-state, or meme is demanding your outrage, do not trust them because that is what propaganda looks like. This is a foundational aspect of media literacy and resisting the influence of power.

You said it. Though it's definitely understandable to be outraged by something that happened, you gotta stop and think about why someone is putting it in front of you. The mainstream media it's their job to report the news and they have an incentive to be considered trustworthy so they're going to make an effort to get the story right. Even then they get it wrong sometimes. Random person on the internet? They probably want to get clicks and don't care if what they're saying is a straight up lie. Or worse, they want you to be a part of a cause that serves their interests but don't actually care about you.

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There was a 2nd explosion right after the 1st was that a 2nd missile or an IED?

Another israeli bomb you can see it flying from the top left of the frame.

Here's a slow mo compilation with red circles: NSFL (Gore + Death): https://imgur.com/a/e1XWdfY

Credit to this Twitter user

Thanks for pointing that out its hard to spot with the rubble in the background.

If you're interested, I found a clearer post, I updated my previous comment, it shows the bombs pretty well.

This is soooo fucked up. :(

Does the fact that's an obvious lie (you can clearly see a second missile come from the top left) make you more or less likely to support the IDF? Anything's fair in war and genocide right...

"Everyone in the world needs to see this" - Proceeds to not link what needs to be seen anywhere.

Mountain of evidence from Al Jazeera, but JerusalemPost and YNet are not to be trusted. I sense double-standards. Also, would love to see that mountain of evidence.

1 more...

Fucking morons will continue to vote for Genocide Joe anyway

"Oh no, that's so sad." - Biden

"Finish the job. " - Trump

Pretty sure Palestine is cooked.

Cucked into believing he cares suddenly before an election? Meanwhile sending billions of dollars of weapons to Israel? Are you really that gullible? And no idea what Trump has to do with this. You're right though, Palestine is cooked.

Fucking morons will continue to vote for Genocide Joe anyway.

And no idea what Trump has to do with this.

Because Dictator Donnie is the only other option. Believing any other candidate is even a viable choice is delusional. American politics is fucked so voting for 3rd party is not remotely helpful. You either vote for Joe or are complicit in the MAGA agenda.

This thinking is why you only have two options. This thinking is designed by the establishment to get you to vote for shit sandwich A or shit sandwich B. But you know what, you actually do have power with your vote to either not use it, or to vote for someone other than a shit sandwich. So while you are more than welcome to continue eating shit, I'm tired of it. A vote for uncommitted, a vote for Bernie Sanders, a vote for Princess Unicorn, etc, does not in any way shape or form equal a vote "for the other guy." Blame me all you want, but it's people like you who keep voting for genocidal geriatrics for why we're stuck in this miserable corporate-run "democracy."

Everyone needs to watch this instead of keeping track of Ukraine. Swear to god Hamas attack was a Russian distraction tactic. The whos and the whats and the whens and the wheres on Israel-Palestine is the new thing. Who cares about some old war in Ukraine? We have moved on, it's back to the jews again.

Wag the dog. And nobody sees it. BTW taking odds on Grump winning the election outright. When they give them another chance you know they reeeally want them to win, right?