Video Shows First Neuralink Patient Playing Mario Kart With His Mind to – 287 points –
Video Shows First Neuralink Patient Playing Mario Kart With His Mind

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I've seen this kind of thing as well as people given an entirely new sense (a sense of direction similar to how birds can sense magnetic north) with just an EEG cap. Why would you need to implant something directly in the brain to do this?

This is how he intends to get full self drive teslas

there was a tv show with this in it. Captain Laserhawk.

Prisoners were locked in VR tubes and forced to play this taxi game endlessly.

By having someone locked inside the trunk that drives in your stead? Sounds very Musk.

I was thinking more like the patient will die, like all of the monkeys did, he'll then take the brain and put it in the Tesla. Problem solved. I mean it all makes sense because this subject has already been learning to play Mario kart. Weehee in your Tesla

This sounds like an '80s movie plot, where the car would then seek revenge.. shutupandtakemymoney.gif

Someone already pointed to captain laserhawk, buts that's a last years series. But yeh I get what you mean haha. Could be just a black mirror episode, or a love death robots episode.

Yeah, the only way they'll put a Musk chip in my brain is by force.
EDIT: on second thought, maybe they play Mario kart cause that's the only thing they can do now..

The purpose of Neuralink is not to enable you to play mario kart. It's obviously just a demo.

Then they should demo what it can do that a simple EEG cap can't.

But this is not EEG cap. It's completely different technology and this demo is just a proof that it works. Isn't this kind of like dismissing wi-fi because we already have landlines?

Nope, wifi adds value. They are asking what the added value is

Last time I checked, WiFi didn't kill people simply because it exists.