Amazon, SpaceX and other companies are arguing the government agency that has protected labor rights since 1935 is actually unconstitutional to politics – 541 points –
Amazon, SpaceX and other companies are arguing the government agency that has protected labor rights since 1935 is actually unconstitutional

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-This SCOTUS, unironically unfortunately

The Federalist Society is an organization of right-wing extremists conspiring against the United States as far as I'm concerned, and they have won.

What was that thing Jefferson said?

I know what he said, but I wish he added " shit or get off the pot" to the end of it.

Because it won't get any easier when the owners have armies of humanoid robots defending them in addition to the means of production/propaganda/state violence/governmental capture that they already have to keep us under this class occupation.

Probably something about how bad black people were? Except in bed of course.

Hurr durr people 200 years ago had slaves and were racist nothing else at that time matters. Also before the neo libs dog pile no shit racism and slavery is bad. We can learn from people of the past even though they did shitty things.

He said that he didn't fight in any wars and instead fucked off and let the poors die.

He talked a good game but fuck that slaver.

A lot of things, he was a diplomat and politician. He loved to make everyone hear him talk