Oregon’s governor signs right-to-repair law that bans “parts pairing”

misk@sopuli.xyz to Technology@lemmy.world – 1196 points –
Oregon’s governor signs right-to-repair law that bans “parts pairing”

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That's rather short sighted. I just listed several.

Don't know about you: I'd rather not have the ventilator keeping grandma alive repaired by the hospitals underpaid maintenance department; but a trained technician from the company that built it.

Some things are about more than just an individuals personal liberties.

The hospitals underpaid maintenance team vrs a licensed tech from the manufacturer is a false dichotomy. The choice could easily be the hospital's underpaid maintenance team or no repairs at all.

Realistically, they don't put grandma on the vent because they won't buy or keep a device they can't afford to repair.

And why would the company spend more time/effort on their repair staff than the hospital? The company license is no guarantee they aren't minimum wage nobodies.

Thing is, medical equipment suppliers should be held to higher standards than they are currently. If you're providing medical equipment to be used in public healthcare: you should be responsible for maintaining and repairing it imo.

There should be a minimum requirement for repair/maintenance/warranty provided by the manufacturer.

Hospitals don't invest in the ability to perform such repairs largely because of the liability involved, ontop of often being a poorly funded/staffed public service.

The company license is no guarantee they aren't minimum wage nobodies.

No, but then the manufacturer is responsible for the quality of repair/maintenance performed by its staff.

If something goes wrong with the equipment; it's on the equipment manufacturer instead of the hospital using it.

With a mandate on repair/maintenance; they'd be forced to provide quality service to survive.

Everything you just said applies to hospitals as well.


Did you actually read this thread and the replies in it, or were you just overwhelmed by the opportunity to post someone else's thoughts instead of your own?

Just to verify, are we not allowed to share YouTube links on the subject being discussed?

Something at least point form of what the video is about would be helpful. I'm in public and don't have headphones, I'm not going to watch a video (much less 3). If context is presented I might make a note to watch it when I get home.

You certainly can, it may get seen eventually. But I'm not going to sit through an hour of someone else's content to figure out what point your trying to make.

If you won't even put some effort in and write your own thoughts out, why should I spend my time researching what you think?

It's the lack of effort that bothers me. Especially when my time is limited.

If you won’t even put some effort in

Finding and putting in those links took effort, and they're germane to the conversation being had.

Perhaps you're not judging 'effort' fairly?

Sure, but it also created a research project for me, instead of just speaking their mind for me to then respond to.

It just kills the conversation.

If you've got an opinion, voice your opinion. Why do you need someone else to speak for you?

If you’ve got an opinion, voice your opinion. Why do you need someone else to speak for you?

Sometimes someone says it better than you, so its easier to just point to that person, than to try to say it yourself.

If you won't even put some effort in and write your own thoughts out, why should I spend my time researching what you think?

Pointing to someone else as a reference is one thing; but the completely no effort "here's some links, you do all the work" is almost insulting.

Imagine if Wikipedia removed all the actual info and just kept the reference links. I'm here for the actual info, I didn't visit to be told where I can go to find it. I'll look at the references if I need further clarification, and have the time/energy/desire to do so.

but it also created a research project for me

Just clicking on the first link and watching the video is a "research project" for you? Do you have to do prep work before you watch any video?

Yes, it is a project.

They could have summarized the point in a couple paragraphs instead of demanding I waste an hour of my time to be able to respond at all. First I'd have to actually have that much free time; which I haven't had today until just now.

Video is the least convenient way to share information. For example, it's impossible to skim a video to see if it's something you're interested in or to find the information you're looking for. With text it's easy to do a quick skim to see if it's something worth your time.

Well, you're basically describing a summary, versus a detail, response.

The person posting the video links was giving a detail response, and not a summary response.

Instead of repeating everything in detail in text of what the videos state (which would be time intensive and duplication of effort) just see the videos instead.

Even a sentence or two would help me judge if it's worth my time. If I'm in public and don't have headphones I'm not watching a video, especially if I have no idea what it is. If you tell me why I should care about the video I might make a note to watch it when I get home.

Secondly, I'm not just going to click a random link. I have no idea if it's even relevant or a bot or a troll who just puts the links in every thread they come across.

which would be time intensive

The 5 minutes it would take them to type a quick summary is much less time intensive than the hour it would take everyone who sees the post to watch the videos and see if they care.

I’m not just going to click a random link.

Its YouTube links, backed by a Piped link.

Do you really live in constant fear of being Rickrolled?

Whatever, you do you.

They're my thoughts. Have any counter points or are you just gonna foam at the mouth?

Odd, the YouTube channel says 'LouisRossman', not 'Mango@lemmy.world'. Perhaps you are Louis incognito? Doesn't seem likely.

Again; I'd recommend actually reading this thread. Specifically; the reply from vrek, if you couldn't narrow that down for yourself.