Oregon’s governor signs right-to-repair law that bans “parts pairing”

misk@sopuli.xyz to Technology@lemmy.world – 1198 points –
Oregon’s governor signs right-to-repair law that bans “parts pairing”

Fuck yeah, and fuck any company that does that shit

I.e. Apple

That's the first one that came to mind. They started every shitty trend in the industry

Is John deere exempt?

Nah, fuck those mother fuckers. As a former farmer myself, I can tell you that fixing my own shit was an almost life or death situation. I can't just leave my crops without my machines more than a day. Shit needs to work right away. I used to grow rice and it needed constant flow of cold river water for 6 months straight up. I had two diesel water pumps on the river, one is running 24/7 and the other is back up in case the other broke. If that shit broke and I waited for a day or two without giving the rice cold water, it all dies. Completely dies

And what's the alternative? You learn to maintain your own equipment and take operation of your powerful and dangerous tools into your own hands, like you do when operating it? You find a local mechanic, like you would with a car, plane, or boat? You keep using the same equipment without paying the manufacturer more until it deteriorates too much to repair?

That's insane. There's not even a subscription involved, it's deranged. Forget your rice, the shareholders need bigger made up numbers!

Yep, according to the article, they have a strong enough lobby bribe machine to win exemption.

I feel like printers started it. Everyone I had used to setup came with some insane cable. Not to mention the actual cartridge

Sounds about right. Man, I really miss the days where shit was so easy to replace. Wtf, capitalism needs to chill a little.

Capitalism != Unbridled_capitalism;

you guys keep coming up with new names to explain the effects and natural progression of capitalism. its just regular ol capitalism as its always been.

It's the legacy that stinky piece of shit Steve Jobs left behind. That, skirting foreign labor laws, treating your own child like shit and stabbing your friends in the back.

There are others. Apple wasn’t the first, nor the last, but they were the most notorious for sure.

Agreed. But other companies like Samsung and Google that dunked on Apple for their shitty practices, then completely adopt them a few generations later are fucking pathetic.

I bought a brother printer model J1010DW because it's brother, right? Also it was the cheapest brother printer in stock locally around the time I was sick & tired of detouring to the print shop.

The color cartridges still have tons of ink swashing in them, but the printer won't even print in b&w because it detects the other cartridges as empty. So I try the tape-over-the-ink-window method, and my printer says, HMM, I GUESS THERE'S INK NOW, BUT THESE MUST NOT BE BROTHER PRINTER CARTRIDGES, HURR DURR, and makes itself an overweight scanner.

I have a canon printer that I buy from Walmart (yes, I said buy, not bought). Every time the ink runs out, I'd go buy a whole printer. Printer is $27 and the ink is $35. I don't really print much, so whatever little print they give with the new printer lasts me for a long time. I'm thinking of just buying a laser one and call it a day since it never dries and it prints up 1500 papers per cartridge.

Some products — like devices powered by combustion engines, medical equipment, farming equipment, HVAC equipment, video game consoles, and energy storage systems — are excluded from Oregon’s rules entirely.

It's interesting to me that Game Consoles get an exception... Not sure whats up there, other than straight up bribery lobbying.

HVAC makes sense when you consider environmental concerns (some refrigerants are really terrible pollutants).

Medical equipment, particularly equipment in public health care should be held to high standards. Authorized, properly trained repair; peoples lives depend on it.

Energy storage when attached to public infrastructure (you back-feeding the grid) can be a saftey concern for workers and the supply/load needs to be balanced to prevent damaging that infrastructure and other private equipment attached to it. Not sure preventing repair is the right move here; you can still buy and install new without oversight. Perhaps it's again a saftey concern (for the person performing repair).

Vehicles, farming or otherwise, I'm on the fence about; there's an argument to be made for public saftey/roadworthness, but I'm not sure that's enough of an argument to prevent home-repair. Again seems more to do with lobbying than anything else.

The farming equipment exemption smells like John Deere's lobbies have been involved.

There are lots of loyal green customers who are really pissed about the ability to not be able to repair their own stuff, but yet keep buying it. (Similar to a lot of iPhone users)

but yet keep buying it.

Probably because they'll keep repairing it themselves anyway. Making it legal would just make it easier for them to repair it without triggering the tractor's version of DRM (can't remember what it's called).

That is getting really hard to do. Seems like someone could make a market in controllers that replace the factory ones but hook to the factory sensors.

John Deere probably bribed lobbied hard for that carve out. It was their practices that helped drive the right to repair movement. Giving them a pass really diminishes the accomplishment.

Smaller farms are going to get screwed over with all the fees and mandatory maintenance that can be imposed.

Everyone gets angry about printers needing a debit card on file but manufacturers like John Deere do similar stuff. If they think you've tinkered with it, they can disable the equipment remotely.

Cars have been home repaired since cars existed. It has never been a notable safety concern. Somehow it suddenly is?

It's always been a concern; just not enough of one to explicitly forbid working on a vehicle without specific training/licensing. Hence vehicle inspections/roadworthy tests; someplaces more strictly than others.

It's possible that concern was part of the justification for not requiring manufacturers to make it easier. Spitballing.

As I said, I'm on the fence about it myself. Thing is, a vehicle on public roads has a lot of opportunity to injure or kill someone if a repair was made incorrectly. It's about more than just a person and the thing they own.

One thing I've notice is you can't modify the software "because of safety", but breaks, fuel pipes, ignition systems, that all fine to modify!

Even cheap cars now have hundreds of processors. Modules can throw errors, send the car into limp, or deactivate the vehicle entirely.

Plus, emissions.

It’s a different game now.

I'm sure that is what the car manufacturers claim.

Don’t take my word for it. Tear into any one of the dozens of black boxes in your car and take it apart. Analyze the chips soldered on the boards. You might get lucky and find all standard chips with information available from suppliers.

Try looking at the data going across any one of the several buses transiting your vehicle. OBD is easy. The others are usually encrypted and much higher speed.

Cars are legitimately complex. Don’t just listen to the manufacturers and scoff. Look up some research into breaking the communication protocols that MB or BMW use. Compare that with GM’s newest standard. Go ahead and practice your reverse engineering skills, because these things aren’t published.

They're made that way so you can't repair them. They don't need to be that complex and nothing on a car needs to be encrypted.

Idk person, encryption on cars has a valid place.

If nothing else, it increases the time to attack and own the system. Networked modules are more efficient and higher performing than old systems. This is the price of progress.

Just one example is the ECU. Old analog engines were crude and inflexible. Simple environmental changes would cause engines to run out of their efficient zones and dump more or less fuel than is appropriate for the conditions they’re experiencing. Modern engines take pressures and temperatures (from several locations) into account, along with throttle desired by the user and calculated load to change the engine parameters on the fly. This is why a modern Mustang can hit 30 mpg on the highway with 500hp and the 80’s model struggles with 20mpg and less power than a current Civic.

These ECUs can be the difference between safely driving and unsafe unintended acceleration into a truck in front of you. We haven’t seen any attacks which turn ordinary occupied vehicles into missiles… yet. I have absolutely no doubt that we will experience one in the next 10 years. Encryption and security may be the difference between this being a rare occurrence conducted by powerful nation state actors and something script kiddies can perform with a laptop and a weekend.

Sounds like the problem is lack of regulations, not people repairing their own stuff. We are letting companies create unmanageable products then blaming owners for trying to take ownership. Encryption is a solved problem, and doesn't require a black box to be secure, in fact is more secure when it isn't. And this isn't the first time that Cara breaking on the road a risk. If someone put after market breaks on their car and they failed, people would die too, yet somehow we allowed that. Car manufacturers are being allowed to make anti-consumer decisions and are blaming us for them.

I’m not getting the feeling that you actually know what you’re talking about.

This isn’t a discussion about encryption, it’s about pairing modules. Encryption is absolutely necessary and is already used widely across the industry. It might not be transparent (open, published standards), but it’s there.

Illegitimate and low quality parts have always been a concern. You don’t seem like you are a car enthusiast, so go on any car forum or facebook group and ask about some fake wheels or eBay special turbos. You’ll get roasted and start a real stupid discussion on if knockoffs are great for the money or if you’ll die in a fiery wreck. These are simple physical objects which you can fake by casting a mould and pouring something vaguely metallic inside. Fake car electronics can be cheaply remade in a similar fashion. How do you know if a replacement ECU is actually taking in one of the hundreds of datapoints in order to calculate the exact fuel trim to safely use in the millisecond you’re polling? How do you know if your rebuilt or replacement transmission is equipped with the proper logic modules to not cause you to drop into first on the highway, causing you to destroy your engine and probably cause a serious accident?

How do you know the manufacturer-supplied module is doing the work it's supposed to without being able to verify it yourself? Boeing aircraft are having similar problems; if an industry that regulated is having issues, what is going to stop vehicle manufacturers from doing the same?

Give us the diagnostic tools and the parts. Operating with zero trust and verifying everything before and after install is the only way to be sure.

The problem with the black box approach is not only does it mess with right to repair, competition, and home build jobs, but even people who make cars! I've literally been to talks in car manufacturing events where a speaker from a large car manufacturing give talks about how hard it is making life for them. Does that car manufacturer do anything different? Nope. Whole culture is infected with "my secrets" thinking which makes everyone's life hard. Things are at a complexity now, everything should be built to be debugged.

Encryption is a must if your car has anything-by-wire on it.

Acceleration is already commonly used this way.

If the car has internet, even more so.

I know, cars don't need internet, but it's there and it's convenient and it's easier to collect data that way..

This thread is literally the difference between someone who knows what they talk about getting downvoted because people don't like facts and someone who doesn't know they talk about getting upvoted because they appeal better to emotions.

Social media has ruined us.

"What could the overwhelmingly technically skilled audience of Lemmy possibly know about electronics repair and embedded programming?"

Huh I wonder where the downvotes are coming.

Yeah, Lemmy is usually pretty tech savvy, so this is kind of surprising.

It’s “some basic evidence and appeals to do some research to change your view” versus “I don’t think so and car manufacturers are just bad” with no real counter argument

Or you're just wrong and crying loudly about it? I don't even know wtf the original point is you were trying to make before this pity party started. "You don’t seem like you are a car enthusiast, so go on any car forum or facebook group and ask about some fake wheels or eBay special turbos." You're a fucking joke. Lots of wasted time explaining nothing at all for scary car scenarios. I don't even want to post this reply but your comments are fucking stupid and misleading. and you end it with a fucking "planned attack" scenario by terrorists or nation states? JFC just make a sane statement and run with it, don't rant on about nothing then get confused when you're downvoted.

So much of Lemmy is this way, and I guess most of social media. I expected more from the Lemmy crowd.

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HVAC makes no sense to me considering the only real hazard in there is the actual refrigerant gas.

unless they manage to pair the gas, im sure they would if they could

You joke but we're almost there. Refrigerants are getting more and more proprietary. I work in the industry and with the push to go to lower global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants manufacturers have developed their own formulas here. It varies from manufacturer to manufacturer even amongst almost identical equipment. Getting the right refrigerant will only become more and more expensive the more boutique it is. The equipment can already tell what kind of refrigerant is in there based on the system pressures and temperatures.

I've been watching Hyperspace Pirate on Youtube and he talks about how hard it is to get commercial access to some basic refrigerants (like ethylene) as someone who isn't a Pro HVAC tech, and he uses it as an excuse to to create them himself for part of his content.

I work for a medical device manufacturer and you are missing a important reason for that exception. Yes human lives are on the line. In addition WE (meaning my company) are responsible for finding out why it broke and how we will prevent other devices we make from breaking.

We make a device and say it will last 10 years, 2 years later it stops. We have to replace it, We have to investigate to the best of our ability, We have to report our findings to the government, if several cases happen We need to come up with a prevention for the future dailures(or prevention if severe enough). We have entire departments for this. It is our burden not the consumer and it's our burden so we have enough evidence to determine root cause and final solution so we can prevent further failures.

As long as you offer a 10 year replacement warranty that's perfectly fine. Tandem was great about replacing my daughter's failed insulin pump.

It’s interesting to me that Game Consoles get an exception… Not sure whats up there, other than straight up bribery lobbying.

Lots and LOTS of lobbying.

Let your representative know that that is not ok with you.

There's no excuses for any of these. None.

That's rather short sighted. I just listed several.

Don't know about you: I'd rather not have the ventilator keeping grandma alive repaired by the hospitals underpaid maintenance department; but a trained technician from the company that built it.

Some things are about more than just an individuals personal liberties.

The hospitals underpaid maintenance team vrs a licensed tech from the manufacturer is a false dichotomy. The choice could easily be the hospital's underpaid maintenance team or no repairs at all.

Realistically, they don't put grandma on the vent because they won't buy or keep a device they can't afford to repair.

And why would the company spend more time/effort on their repair staff than the hospital? The company license is no guarantee they aren't minimum wage nobodies.

Thing is, medical equipment suppliers should be held to higher standards than they are currently. If you're providing medical equipment to be used in public healthcare: you should be responsible for maintaining and repairing it imo.

There should be a minimum requirement for repair/maintenance/warranty provided by the manufacturer.

Hospitals don't invest in the ability to perform such repairs largely because of the liability involved, ontop of often being a poorly funded/staffed public service.

The company license is no guarantee they aren't minimum wage nobodies.

No, but then the manufacturer is responsible for the quality of repair/maintenance performed by its staff.

If something goes wrong with the equipment; it's on the equipment manufacturer instead of the hospital using it.

With a mandate on repair/maintenance; they'd be forced to provide quality service to survive.

Everything you just said applies to hospitals as well.


Did you actually read this thread and the replies in it, or were you just overwhelmed by the opportunity to post someone else's thoughts instead of your own?

Just to verify, are we not allowed to share YouTube links on the subject being discussed?

Something at least point form of what the video is about would be helpful. I'm in public and don't have headphones, I'm not going to watch a video (much less 3). If context is presented I might make a note to watch it when I get home.

You certainly can, it may get seen eventually. But I'm not going to sit through an hour of someone else's content to figure out what point your trying to make.

If you won't even put some effort in and write your own thoughts out, why should I spend my time researching what you think?

It's the lack of effort that bothers me. Especially when my time is limited.

If you won’t even put some effort in

Finding and putting in those links took effort, and they're germane to the conversation being had.

Perhaps you're not judging 'effort' fairly?

Sure, but it also created a research project for me, instead of just speaking their mind for me to then respond to.

It just kills the conversation.

If you've got an opinion, voice your opinion. Why do you need someone else to speak for you?

If you’ve got an opinion, voice your opinion. Why do you need someone else to speak for you?

Sometimes someone says it better than you, so its easier to just point to that person, than to try to say it yourself.

If you won't even put some effort in and write your own thoughts out, why should I spend my time researching what you think?

Pointing to someone else as a reference is one thing; but the completely no effort "here's some links, you do all the work" is almost insulting.

Imagine if Wikipedia removed all the actual info and just kept the reference links. I'm here for the actual info, I didn't visit to be told where I can go to find it. I'll look at the references if I need further clarification, and have the time/energy/desire to do so.

but it also created a research project for me

Just clicking on the first link and watching the video is a "research project" for you? Do you have to do prep work before you watch any video?

Yes, it is a project.

They could have summarized the point in a couple paragraphs instead of demanding I waste an hour of my time to be able to respond at all. First I'd have to actually have that much free time; which I haven't had today until just now.

Video is the least convenient way to share information. For example, it's impossible to skim a video to see if it's something you're interested in or to find the information you're looking for. With text it's easy to do a quick skim to see if it's something worth your time.

Well, you're basically describing a summary, versus a detail, response.

The person posting the video links was giving a detail response, and not a summary response.

Instead of repeating everything in detail in text of what the videos state (which would be time intensive and duplication of effort) just see the videos instead.

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They're my thoughts. Have any counter points or are you just gonna foam at the mouth?

Odd, the YouTube channel says 'LouisRossman', not 'Mango@lemmy.world'. Perhaps you are Louis incognito? Doesn't seem likely.

Again; I'd recommend actually reading this thread. Specifically; the reply from vrek, if you couldn't narrow that down for yourself.


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The refrigerant wouldn't have anything to do with parts pairing though. This is just the electronic components.

Parts pairing is just one piece of the puzzle; this is more broadly about access to parts, which would include proprietary refrigerants.

HVAC also makes sense because some idiots do things like using propane as a refrigerant in systems not designed for it, and then get a literal flamethrower next to their house.

People were able to do that before this law so what's changed?

Honestly I tried to summarize what right ti repair is, but you’ll be better off actually looking into what this bill does.

Basically, for this application nothing changes. That’s kinda the point.

Aside from maybe HVAC dealing with refrigerant needing a licensed tech to work on, the rest of these not being included is such a scam.

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It's funny that this article doesn't mention the one company that pretty much single handedly created the need for this legislation in the first place.

John Deere?

Too bad this doesn't affect them because they managed to get themselves an exception to the rule...

Anything powered by a combustion engine is an exception.

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Future Motion?

You'll notice that there is actually an insane number of companies that create the need for this.

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this just in.....Apple to stop selling devices in Oregon.

From the article, parts pairing is “a practice manufacturers use to prevent replacement components from working unless the company’s software approves them.”

It's the practice of preventing you from even using genuine parts. If you buy two identical iPhones, you can't even use parts from one to repair the other. The one phone won't accept the genuine part from the other because it's not paired to that phone by the manufacturer's proprietary tool.

This stops theft significantly.

iPhone were one of the easiest devices to steal and sell. Even conventional anti theft measures wouldn't deter theft significantly. Because they are so popular and common stealing an iPhone just to sell parts would still be worthwhile. Making stolen iPhone parts worthless reduces incidence of theft significantly.

This is less of an issue for other manufacturers. They often have more models serving a small customer base, with significantly less retail value.

I don’t actually know the details of how Pairing or Find My iPhone works, but couldn’t they just have the parts individually report their position since they apparently already “know” which device they belong to?

They wouldn't know their location or have a means of sending that location. This would require every subsystem to have a gps antenna, radio and battery. It would be expensive, heavy and wasteful.

I mean when they’re on a working device. The device detects that the part is not original and uses the usual system to send the position as if it was the entire iPhone. Is that not feasible?

That's a good approach for a single device. But for millions it's not as good. Apples current approach significantly reduces theft and the industry around theft of their phones.

Why would it not be good? Doesn’t Find my iPhone already work with the whole network?

There would be an excuse that your using your friends components to fix the phone. But they didn't deregister it. It would be enough to create a viable business.

Repairers could use stolen parts and the owner wouldn't know until apple locked their device.

It can be stopped by controlling the internet traffic to the device. Various methods, even simple DNS systems. Especially in developing economy organised crime can get cooperation with phone networks to do this.

For organised crime this problems can be worked out. But it very difficult to workaround a whitelist of only one part.

Other manufacturers don't have the same issue as their phones don't last as long. Nor do they have as high a resale value. Old iPhones still sell well 5+ years after release.

Google will give you big discounts for trading in iPhones that were cheaper than pixels when released when they won't offer you anything but recycling for an equivalent year pixel. All because the iPhone resale value remains so high.

Obviously you’d ask your friends to deregister the part before giving it to you.

And if they already have methods to control internet traffic and prevent the devices from pinging their location why wouldn’t they directly sell the entire phone?

Because you could, you could argue you forgot. It's a way to get around it. It's easier if apple controls who fixes phones.

It's easier to block the part checking for individual parts than the entire os. You would still have people with bricked phones once they got home and the faulty part phones home.

If apple didn't do this their phones would be stolen at a very high rate. Especially from tourists. The phone would also get a reputation for being stolen. Or stopped working once you got home from the repair store.

Apple sells the convince of a device that works reliably. This makes it of very high value. Especially to those that don't want to worry about their tech. So apples repair methods keep this value. If they changed their phones would be less valuable to most consumers. If this wasn't the case then fair phone would outsell iPhones.

The phones are still repairable, but it's restricted to apple and those apple have authorised to do it. The solution is to make repairs cheaper, not make interchangeable parts. It doesn't work on the scale apple operates, for devices of significant value that can be pick pocketed and shipped to another country.

I'd rather stop the company from stealing from me in unpreventable ways than the random petty thief who I can beat senseless.

Yeah, but I've never had a phone stolen, but I've broken a whole bunch of them.

I'd rather have an easily repairable phone than a supposed "deterrent" for which workarounds are eventually found.

And since the DMCA makes it illegal to circumvent copy protection, they just put copy protection on the software (sometimes laughably weak - still counts!) and if you try to get around the hardware lockout you’re officially breaking the lawwww

Hope this applies to cars as well. Bust a taillight in your Ford and get your own replacement, you still have to have a dealer configure the integrated BLISS sensor.

Section 1, 1, 3, g, C says “This section does not: Apply to: A vehicle…”

So, probably not

From the article

Some products — like devices powered by combustion engines ... — are excluded from Oregon’s rules entirely.

Fuck that sensor. It's a made up need so I'm more dependent on the manufacturer.

Thanks for the clarification. I was being lazy and didn't read it and thought that meant apple couldn't solder the ram to the motherboard aka pairing it.

won't companies respond by just saying "not for sale in Oregon? "

Do it in enough places and every won’t.

Makes attention a good market for honest business doesn't it? I'll move there.

Oregon has some really great laws. Some are working well, some need adjustment.

In this case I think manufacturers will just say "not for sale in Oregon" and people in Oregon will continue to buy them. California had an advantage with it's huge market size.

Those Oregon people will now at least all find out why they're going out of state for the garbage and be informed.

Cutouts for farm equipment. I guess John deer got ahold of the legislature

Either that or they felt they'd lose the fight where John Deer pulls out of Oregon.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek has now signed one of the strongest US right-to-repair bills into law after it passed the state legislature several weeks ago by an almost 3-to-1 margin.

Oregon’s SB 1596 will take effect next year, and, like similar laws introduced in Minnesota and California, it requires device manufacturers to allow consumers and independent electronics businesses to purchase the necessary parts and equipment required to make their own device repairs.

Oregon’s rules, however, are the first to ban “parts pairing” — a practice manufacturers use to prevent replacement components from working unless the company’s software approves them.

According to iFixit, “The exemption list is a map of the strongest anti-repair lobbies, and also of the next frontier of the movement.” However, iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens also said in the statement, “By applying to most products made after 2015, this law will open up repair for the things Oregonians need to get fixed right now.

Another similarity between Oregon’s and California’s right-to-repair laws is that both push manufacturers to make any documentation, tools, parts, and software required to fix their devices available to consumers and repair shops without overcharging for them.

But while California’s law requires this support to be available for seven years after production for devices over $100, Oregon hasn’t mandated any such duration.

The original article contains 400 words, the summary contains 217 words. Saved 46%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Now we need to do this California to seal the deal.

I have no issue with security devices requiring some sort of approval (which should be made available to self service), but devices like the screen, camera, battery, buttons, memory/storage, ports, speakers, etc, should be allowed whether or not they are factory.

In the eyes of apple the screen on an iPhone would act as a security device as it contains the fingerprint sensor.

Just FYI, iPhones don't have fingerprint sensors in the screen. Older models with fingerprint sensors have a capacitive sensor in a physical home button/capacitive pad.

Newer iPhone's exclusively use FaceID for biometrics, which uses the camera array at the top of the device.

Forget the sensors, they can say it's a security related since it can display private info and their fans would defend that. You can bet they would make some excuse for almost everything and fight for it in court.

Same with the camera, and probably something can be said about the ports too.

Should apple be allowed to completely close those off though? Nah

We need to modify the DMCA to truly address this

We need to eliminate the DMCA. From printer ink to abandon ware to simple ownership of products we purchase, the DMCA stands in the way at every step.

Is this actually good news? What can a single state do? Shouldn't this be federal?

Special exceptions are hard to deal with when you're mass producing. That's why a fair amount of the rulings made by the European Union also end up applying to North America when it comes to international businesses.

It basically means someone like Apple has to decide between not selling in Oregon at all, making special phones for Oregon, or making all of their phones not have paired parts. It's a pretty big thorn in their side, and it would only take a few more states to join in before they really have to start committing to a solution.

My guess: they'll go the lawsuit route.

If Apple's approach in the EU is anything to go by, they'll disable repaired phones if they're taken outside Oregon.

Ooh that would be a bastard approach to it wouldn't it? You've nearly convinced me that's totally what's gonna happen now.

A single state is still a large market to pass up, and tooling costs make it impractical to manufacture different versions of things.

Even for software, the US experiences positive externalities of the GDPR and the rest of the US does from privacy laws in California and Illinois (likely others that I don't know off the top of my head)

State laws also often serve as the prototype for federal ones.

It should be federal, but this is absolutely good news.

what kind of logic is that? A small victory is better than no victory

Be careful what you wish for though. Electronics, and software in particular, rapidly drop in reliability as the parts stray from tightly restricted boundaries and become open to anyone. "Hey, this app crashes on my phone now." Repairing a phone too wouldn't be cheap either, you'd have to have someone soldering and resoldering a very fine circuit board. I think most people would just replace it.

This is literally nonsense fear mongering by someone who doesn't understand how electronics and electronic repair work.

“We need to cut down the insane cycle of churning through personal electronics”

Translation: We need to slow down the pace of innovation!

I recently upgraded from an iPhone 13 to a 15 Pro Max. The innovation on this thing is incredible! There’s like an extra camera lens on it!

Found Tim Cooks alt

Looking at their account, I'd honestly bet money that they're an apple employee. Half of their posts and comments are about, and very much in favor of, Apple

Could be, although there are certainly no shortage of people willing to shill for massive companies.

The innovation of DRM and Intels SGX extention is the reason no current-gen PC can play 4K Blurays in 4K.

Of course they can! You just need to download your blurays from reputable sources.

If it means reducing waste… okay?

I don’t really need much innovation in my personal electronics, I’d still have an iPhone 3GS if it still worked.

This has to be one of the stupidest takes ive seen. They aren't innovating, they are making it so things break after set amounts of time, you cant repair it without massive headaches and the expense of proprietary parts, so people end up basically having to buy a new device that is either the exact same or had only a few changes to it but costs more money than the original. That's not innovation, that's just a cash grab.