Your scrunglebop is disponscabulated to Programmer – 506 points –

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They're both making the same joke, but one got upvoted and one got downvoted. I don't understand people

This is a fake screenshot that aims to highlight how new programmers can not understand programming terms and ask about it only to have their question misunderstood.

Oh... I thought they were both just being silly

Your explanation makes a lot more sense. Thank you!

New programmers. Lol. I see people who have been doing this for 20 years, and don’t know how to read an error message.

The downvotes seem to indicate: don't put this fake garbage here and waste people's time

The upvotes seem to indicate: since we're here in a joke post, the joke answer is appropriate and funny. Added benefit that it is in the form of a very unhelpful response (merely rephrasing the error message) which is a relatable experience