Your scrunglebop is disponscabulated to Programmer – 506 points –

They're both making the same joke, but one got upvoted and one got downvoted. I don't understand people

This is a fake screenshot that aims to highlight how new programmers can not understand programming terms and ask about it only to have their question misunderstood.

Oh... I thought they were both just being silly

Your explanation makes a lot more sense. Thank you!

New programmers. Lol. I see people who have been doing this for 20 years, and don’t know how to read an error message.

The downvotes seem to indicate: don't put this fake garbage here and waste people's time

The upvotes seem to indicate: since we're here in a joke post, the joke answer is appropriate and funny. Added benefit that it is in the form of a very unhelpful response (merely rephrasing the error message) which is a relatable experience

Did you try setting it to wumbo?

I tried editing the thingamajig to set it to wumbo but it started erroring again when I turned on the doohickey

Such a great piece of art displaying one of the many issues with stack overflow.

Of course it's GUMBIES'S fault for not providing good documentation! Every debian based distro is affected. This isn't a small issue.

Here's the link to a fix: [Dead link]

Some error messages are pretty weird so I wouldn't guess that this is fake.

As a non programmer this is just how all programming questions look like to me.

No MVE, no indication that any work was done to fix the problem yourself. Closed as a low quality question.