Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 96 points –
Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

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Who are you voting for?

Cornel West


He most closely aligns with my interests and values. I believe he would probably not pour 37 billion dollars into 100,000 more cops and developing the police state if he was President as Biden did.

Single policy voter? Might as well admit you were an embarrassed Republican to begin with.

Do you cry this much in real life? I’m talking to you like an adult and all you can do is throw a tantrum.

I’m a card carrying DSA member. I’m not sure how being left of Biden makes me a Republican, but whatever you have to tell yourself.

Lmao, the projection. How can ypu see to type through those tears?

… I don’t think you know any of the words you’re saying, lol.

Says the embarrassed Republican lmao.

I’m a Republican because I’m… voting for the most leftist candidate possible….

Not what was said. Sorry you're struggling to read.

Okay. Enlighten me then, why am I a Republican?

Because you are a single issue voter with an excuse why fighting fascism isn't a responsibility of yours.

The status quo serves you fine and you don't care about the suffering enacted on others. The BS candidate you are endorsing has 0 experience in government and is starting at the presidency? Yup.

The hallmarks of an embarrassed Republican.

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