Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 96 points –
Hillary Clinton to voters upset over Biden-Trump choice: ‘Get over yourself’

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Do you cry this much in real life? I’m talking to you like an adult and all you can do is throw a tantrum.

I’m a card carrying DSA member. I’m not sure how being left of Biden makes me a Republican, but whatever you have to tell yourself.

Lmao, the projection. How can ypu see to type through those tears?

… I don’t think you know any of the words you’re saying, lol.

Says the embarrassed Republican lmao.

I’m a Republican because I’m… voting for the most leftist candidate possible….

Not what was said. Sorry you're struggling to read.

Okay. Enlighten me then, why am I a Republican?

Because you are a single issue voter with an excuse why fighting fascism isn't a responsibility of yours.

The status quo serves you fine and you don't care about the suffering enacted on others. The BS candidate you are endorsing has 0 experience in government and is starting at the presidency? Yup.

The hallmarks of an embarrassed Republican.

Oh, so not actually a Republican - but another thing that you just don’t have a pithy singular word for

You are functionally the same. If it quacks like a duck and shits all over the place like a duck...

Yall even count as good as each other. "Embarrassed Republican" is 2 words.

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