Israeli troops shoot and kill a Palestinian shepherd reading the Quran on his land

Linkerbaan@lemmy.worldbanned from community to World – 536 points –
Israeli troops shoot and kill a Palestinian shepherd reading the Quran on his land

Three soldiers pounce on a shepherd sitting outside his sheep pen. They knock him over and then one of them shoots him to death at point-blank range. Fakher Jaber, a father of four, was suspected of involvement in an incident that probably never happened

On the last day of his life, two and a half weeks ago, the shepherd and his wife got up at 5:30 A.M., as usual, and immediately went out together to milk the ewes. With their flock of 120 sheep, their work is never done. Maryam recalls now that they didn't manage to eat breakfast before the daily Ramadan fast began. After about two hours they finished milking. Fakher took the sheep out to graze and she began to make cheese from the milk, which they sell in Nablus to help make their living.

After he returned the sheep to their pen, Fakher sat down near it, removed the Quran from his pocket and began to read from it. Maryam finished making dinner. She remembers that everything was normal and relatively peaceful that afternoon, in this beleaguered community, living under the constant threat of invasions by settlers. Suddenly Maryam heard shouting. She rushed outside and saw three Israelis in uniform yelling at and wrestling with her husband. One of the men was masked, which led her to believe that they were settlers – of the type that frequently assault the shepherding communities, graze their livestock on the residents' lands and water their flocks from their wells.


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On the last day of his life, two and a half weeks ago, the shepherd and his wife got up at 5:30 A.M., as usual, and immediately went out together to milk the ewes.

Can we please stop with this dramatization?

Edit: All the downvoters probably did poorly in social studies. Did you all pay attention when they taught you about journalistic integrity? Judging by how most of you argue, I'm guessing you slept through that just like the lessons on citing.

Humanizing Palestinians by accurately recounting what happened? Now this is going way too far.

You can accurately account what happens without flowery language that exists to influence the reader's perception.

This should be a news article, not a novel.

So when articles be like

  • Genocide is currently happening in Gaza by Israeli government.
  • The people woke up, milked the cows and got shot by the IDF

Both are not good, so which one? While both are true and can be backed up by evidence.

Because no matter how an article is written, it seems people always complain about something.

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Dramatization? These are literally a series of facts. Maybe there's something else bothering you?

No, it's the dramatization.

You're just upset I'm even slightly critical of something supportive of Ukraine.

No, it’s the dramatization.

You’re just upset I’m even slightly critical of something supportive of Ukraine.

I think you're in the wrong thread. Not the fascism youre being paid to shill for. This is about the worse one.

We get it, you hate Gazans and you’re here with your brand new account to dehumanize them.

You absolutely do not get it.

Read through my post history and you'll see I have no problem calling Zionists nazis.

But you also won't come back and admit you were wrong, lol.

That's how the tribe operates.

No. These are fucking people dying. Lives ending. You need to remember that. People, living breathing human beings every Fucking day so some monstrous ghouls can cum. Its disgusting, and every moment it continues should be a stain on your, on my, on every living person's fucking soul.

They want us to cry over every dead zionist shutzstaffel piece of shit. I bet if I checked your profile, I wouldn't find you objecting to those entirely made up¹ sob stories

¹because they have no humanity. They are only atrocities. Only killing, abusing defiling. They can do no other.

I can tell you did poorly in social studies.

Which youre only saying because you have no coherent response to the content of my message.

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